
390 11 16

MargauxSanLuis gladly ;3
Cliché, but whatever.

=John's POV=

Finally, I'm in New York, where dreams are made, hopefully. The college here is pretty good and I hate my dad's guts so why not move to NYC?

I got accepted in King's College and I found a nice dorm nearby to stay in. I get in a taxi and say the location of where the dorm is. I arrive and pay the driver. I feel my stomach filling up with dread as I see the dorm building. I wanted to go here, why am I so nervous? Probably the stress of college and finals and all that shit.

I meet a lady inside. "Hello dear, are you looking for your dorm?" She greets with a warm smile.

"Yes ma'am. My name is John Laurens." I return the smile.

"Hm, okay, let's see. Oh! Your room is 6771 and your roommate is Alexander Hamilton." She says, giving me the keys. I nod and wave goodbye as I walk to my room. I hope my roommate isn't some asshole who likes mac 'n cheese, not saying all people who like it are assholes, or something.

I see my the door with my room number, when I get nervous my whole face goes red so I hope my roommate doesn't think I'm weird. I sigh. I finally opened the door and see a not-so-messy room, but there are still stuff around. I guess he's here.

A guy with a ponytail comes in sight and notices me. "Oh, are you my roommate?" He asks me.

"Um.. yes. M-my name is John Laurens." I stutter. Why am I like this?!

He smirks. "Good. It's nice to have a cute roommate." I blush. To be honest, he's a charmer. He looks very handsome as well.

"O-oh, thanks..." I say softly, looking at the floor. "You're Alexander, right?"

"That's me. So, tell me John, where are you from?"

"South Carolina."

"Hm.. no wonder why you have a bit of an accent. It's adorable, though." Ahhh why is he making me blush like this?!

We talk for a while and eventually became very close. He would flirt sometimes but I didn't mind it, I was convinced I didn't have a chance.

[[Time skip]]
=Alex's POV=

"Jackie, wanna get coffee with me?" I ask John.

"Sure." He simply mumbles and comes with me to get coffee in a coffee shop nearby. Why did I ask him to come with me? It was almost graduation and I needed to confess how I felt. I didn't wanna lose him, but if he didn't like me back then at least I gave it a shot. I found a way to confess, it's bold, but I can do it.

We order our coffee and decided to take a walk at a park that almost no one goes to. As John takes a sip of his drink, I did it.

I kissed him.

Surprisingly, he kissed back and I felt butterflies in my stomach going crazy. We eventually pull apart, to my disliking.

I blushed while John looks so red.

"W-why did y-you d-do that? Not l-like I-I didn't like it, I-I mean! S-sorry I'm acting weir-" I cut him off by pecking his lips again quickly, but sweetly.

"John, I didn't know when to tell you, but graduation day is near so I decided to tell you now." He looks confused but he's still blushing. "I like you... I kissed you because your lips had coffee on it, plus I wanted to do that for a long time..." I chuckle. "That's really why I asked you to come with me to the coffee shop. You and coffee are my favorite, but you're better than coffee." I admit. John smiles and hugs my neck. I get caught off guard but I then wrap my arms around his waist.

"Can I call you mine?" I whisper in his ear. I realized those are the words he dreamed to hear.

He nods and I hug him tighter, feeling absolutely smitten.

[[Time skip]]

I bring John, Philip and Frances to come with me to a family date. I decided to go to a familiar coffee shop, but Philip and Frances obviously won't get coffee. We all ordered drinks; Philip and Frances got hot chocolate and dessert while John and I got coffee. Once the children ate their dessert, we went to a park, but no one was really there. The kids run to the playground and we just watch them, sitting on a bench.

"Hey, Jackie, remember this place?" I ask John.

"Uhh... no..? Wait, is this where you asked me to be your boyfriend?" He grins.

"Yep." He giggles and rests his head on my shoulder, staring at his wedding ring. He takes a sip of his coffee and I kiss him again.

"Mm.. your lips taste like coffee." We laugh.

[[Time skip]]

"Philip, Frances, hope you have a fun time at college!" I say, dropping them off at their dorm.

"Please don't get in trouble." John says.

"We won't mom." Philip assured.

"Hopefully you guys won't get roommates." I sigh.

"Don't you remember how we met?" John smirks.

"Oh, right." I laugh

"Bye guys! We'll miss you!" Frances and Philip said in unison, grinning.

"Bye!" John and I say.

Philip then got married to his roommate in college, as well as Frances.

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