Just The Girl (Guy)

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♡~Alex's POV~♡

I've met John for a few years now; since 6th grade. School is coming around again and I can't wait to see him. I hate school but he's the only one that makes me not skip. I can't get him off my mind. He can be cold, but he knows what he's doing. He laughs at my dreams because he thinks they're silly but I dream about his laughter. Strange as it seems, he's the one I'm after. He can't stop talking about turtles for more than an hour, which is cute, but he runs on 100 proof attitude power. The more he ignores me, the more I adore him. I'd do anything for him because he's bitter-sweet, he knocks me out of my feet and I can't help myself; I don't want anyone else. He's a mystery, he's too much for me but I keep coming back for more. He's just the one I'm looking for.

I decide to call him. He doesn't really pick up that much which is sad, but I respect that. I can't give up just yet because every word he's said is still ringing in my head. My whole day's ruined for he knows just what to say. I'm honestly more excited to go to school just because of him. Sure, he might not be fond of me, but I'll keep trying. I wouldn't force him, of course, but I'll just be patient.

Some people call him more feminine than masculine, which is true, but I don't mind it. I would beat up anyone who'd make fun of him for wearing skirts sometimes, I mean, what's wrong with that? Once I realize that he isn't gonna pick up because it's late, I leave my phone be and go to bed; John, being the last thing I thought of before I go into a blissful sleep.

♡~John's POV~♡

School's in a few days, and I won't like it, for sure. The only thing I really like about school is Marine Biology and Alexander. Sure, I like him, but I'm afraid of rejection so I keep my feelings low-key, but I can't help it. Sometimes I'm mean, but I'd make sure not to be so harsh. Oh no, what if he thinks I'm so annoying because of my attitude? Wait- no, it's not like him to think that about people, but still. Ugh, I don't know.

I hear my phone ring from the other side of my room and I get it. I see it's Alex. Uhh... I'm nervous. As much as I want to talk to him, I'll just ignore it. It's a bitchy move, I know, I know, but I really don't know what to say. Especially over the phone! I just think talking to him in person is much better because we have more things to talk about by the things we see together. Does that make sense? Anyway, it's gone late so I go to bed.

[]Time Skip[]

I wake up, not realizing it was already... hOLY SHIT I'M ABOUT TO BE LATE!

I quickly change into a sweater and skinny jeans then go downstairs to meet my mom and dad. (Henry is cool in dis one)

"Ready to go, Jacky?" My dad says with my mom by his side.

"Yup." I go up to my mom and kiss her on the cheek. "Bye mum,"

"Bye, sweetie." My dad and I go to the car and he drives to school.

"You'll be alright, John. If anyone is being a piece of shit to you, tell me. I will hurt anyone who hurts my baby." I smile. I love it when my dad calls me his baby because I know that I'll always be his child even if I'm so-called 'different' because of my sexuality. I pretend to hate being calling that by my parents but I love it.

"Dad, I'm not a baby. Love you! See you later."

"Okay, kiddo. Also, I'm pretty sure Alexander would loooove to see you. Bye!"

I blush. Ugh, I never told him that I liked Alex but he suspects it.

"No." I mutter. He just laughs and drives away.

"He is true." I hear a familiar voice say from behind say from behind me. Wait... ALEX?!

I squeak as I turn around to see him. He chuckles a bit as I fake pout.

"Tell me, why didn't you answer my call yesterday."

"None of your business."

"C'mooooon Jackiiieee!" He whines.

"Ugh, you're unbearable." I try to act serious "I.. uh, was probably sleeping that time you called me, I don't know. How else would I miss your call besides being aware you're calling and ignoring it?"

"Fair enough." He shrugs, smiling.

[]Time Skip[]

Once the school day was over, I went to my locker to grab my stuff and head to the bus stop. Wait, what time is it?

Shit, I missed it. Now I have to wait for at least an hour.

I sigh heavily and sit down at a nearby bench. I text my mom that I won't be coming home soon since I missed the bus. I can't just walk to my place because I live quite far away.

"Need a ride?" A voice asks. I avert my gaze to the side to see Alexander. I have to admit, he looks damn hot.

"O-oh, it's fine. No need." I say quietly.

"C'mon. It's not gonna come around until an hour or so." He holds out his hand for me to take.

"Fine, you're too stubborn anyway." I stand up and he grabs my hand, leading me to his car. He opens the car door and I get in.

While he was driving, he turns on the radio and 'Just The Girl' by The Click Five starts playing.

"Ya know, the way the girl is described is like you. Except, you do keep secrets and you're not that harsh."

"Well, there is a reason why I'm like that."

"Mind telling me?"



"I'll tell you sooner or later."

"Can't wait."

"You dummy."


He eventually told me why he was acting like that towards me. When was that you may ask? The time where we exchanged vows.

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