I'd Climb The Highest Mountain Just To See You

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Is it possible to be nervous and excited at the same time? Well, I guess so since I'm feeling both right now. My family and I are gonna move to another neighborhood! Gil and the Washingtons have been with me for almost a year now. I refuse to be called a Washington, to be honest, but they understand. I also refuse to call George dad and Martha mom but it's only because I'm a bit shy in doing such. Even though Lafayette is adopted as well, he still asks people to call him his last name. He's okay being called a Washington, though. Wait, was I originally talking about? Oh, right, we're moving to a new house, with new neighbors, and a new school nearby. Again, I'm feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

As Lafayette and I help George move our things from the back trunk, we see George jokingly struggling to carry a bag, making us laugh. Then, I see someone in the corner of my eye. I look up and I see a boy about my age, looking at us through a window. Well, at least I think they're a boy. They honestly kind of resemble a girl. But, holy merde, what a beaut. They look sad for some reason. He noticed me looking back at him so he looked away and closed his curtain, seemingly flustered. Aw, I wanted to take a better look at him.

"Alexandre! I said help me!" I look back to see Laf, struggling to carry a box.

"Whoops, my bad." I say and help him carry it inside.

We put it down inside the house and sit down on the floor for a while to rest.

"What were you distracted by?" Laf asks me.

"Oh, I saw this boy, maybe about our age, looking at us."

"Oh, he's probably a nice neighbor!" He says, happily.

"Yeah. And a cute one too." I mutter, turning pink a bit.

"What was that?" Lafayette smirks.

"Nothing! You didn't hear jack shit." I exclaim.

"Hm? I'm pretty sure someone already found a little amoureux." He teases, nudging my shoulder.

"Pshh, non. At least not this early."

"C'mon, let's try and meet him!" Laf exclaims, grabbing my arm and running to the boy's house, which is just across ours.

We knock on the door to see a middle-aged man, looking like they had a little too much to drink.

"Bonjour! We're new around here and we want to meet our new neighbors." Laf says, but he seems a bit nervous.

"Hm? I don't care. Get out of here, you'll just waste my time." The man starts closing the door but I stop him from doing so by blocking the door with my foot. What does he mean by "I don't care"?

"Hey, man, we were just trying to make new friends like, um, your children?. What kind of micro-penis do you have to be such a jerk? If you are busy then just spare a little time, will ya?" I say, a bit pissed off..

"Oh, shut up, kid. You don't wanna meet my son, he's just a waste of space here in this house. And as for the others, they're just annoying little brats." What the hell?! How de hare he say that to our face!

"What right do you have to say that!" I try to throw hands with this guys but Laf stops me, grabbing both of my wrists to prevent me from doing such.

"Alex, stop! He's not worth it." He says and I calm down, breathing heavily. "Look, man. I don't think calling your children that is a very good thing to say, especially when you're saying it to other people. We're gonna leave, you're not worth our precious time." Laf closes the door in the man's face. We hear him mutter curse words at us. We both sigh and go back to the house.

"Hi kids, what happened?" Martha says to us in a happy yet curious tone.

"We just met a man who's such an asshole!" Laf exclaim, still angry from what happened.

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