Remember You

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I didn't realize this until I was thinking about this story that  it's quite similar to what happened to Marceline and the Ice King (except for the whole romance thing) so there's DEFINITELY gonna be a reference now, but I'm sad again now bc their history was so sad considering what happened to Simon and that Adventure Time ended :c


"It was truly a tragic history. We found out that his father left his family, leaving them in debt and his mother died from an illness. He lost his brother in a hurricane that happened in his hometown later on after he became an orphan. He then lived with his cousin but he committed suicide without knowing why. You're the only one he has left, but he has gotten mad and doesn't even remember anything anymore. I'm really sorry. There's only a slim chance he'll get his memory back."

"S-so, he doesn't remember the memories he had that I was with him?" I asked in shock and disbelief.

"I'm afraid not. I'm truly sorry, Mr. Laurens. We could try, but it's almost hopeless. It really is sad, he's still young, about 19."

My breath just hitched. I can't believe he doesn't acknowledge the times we had before, when he found me outside while looking for medicine. My father kicked me out of the house for a while so I was crying but he cheered me up by stealing a turtle plushie for me to keep. He was 9 at the time and I was just 6. We grew up to be inseperable... until the hurricane. I was fine then, but I didn't know where he was. It happened when I was already 16, but I couldn't seem to meet him again until just now when they were looking for me because I'm told as the only one left who is close to him.

"C-can I see him?" I ask meekly.

"Of course. Though, be careful. He might hurt you or be too friendly to the point where he's going insane." The woman warns me. Her name's probably Angelica, but I don't remember exactly.

I go inside the room where Alex is in, and I see him writing down something in a notebook.

"U-um... A-alexander?" I call out, nervous.

He hums and looks up at me. He suddenly throws the pencil at me, only for me to squeak and dodge it. The pencil spoke wonders about the damage that it could've inflicted on the person it was thrown at. Alex just laughs.

"W-what was that for?" I ask, a bit angry.

"I don't know. You're scared face looked cute though." He says to me, smirking. I blush at his comment but I try to brush it off.


"Who's Alex? I'm Zander, sugar." He sits down on his bed. D-did he just call me 'sugar'?

"W-what? You're real name is Alexander."

"Hm, is it really? I can't remember." He shrugs.

"You don't even remember your best friend?" I ask, seemingly sad while Alex seems to notice.

"I don't think I need friends. I heard that they just leave you behind to let you ache." He says in a sour tone.

"No they don't! At least true friends don't leave you intentionally. Sure, some of them may leave-"

"Exactly." He cuts me off.

"Let me finish. They might leave, but surely your other companions will be there to accompany you and console you."

"If that's supposed to be the case then they disappointed me." He rolls his eyes.

I look at him sadly. He notices my sympathetic face and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks.

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