Can't You See That I Love You?!

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-Alex's POV-

I'm crying in my room, curled up in a ball on my bed. Why is that so? Actually...


"U-um, Alex, I have something to say to you." John said, looking a bit nervous.

"What is that, Jacky?" He told me to come with him to the bathroom once school ends.

"I- uh, I think I l-love Charles." He told me with a faint blush.

"W-wait, Charles Lee?!"


"Do you remember what he did when he was still with Samuel?! He might break your heart!"

"I can't help it..."

"John, he's not worth it! I'm sure there's someone else out there who'd care for you!" Like me... I didn't say that, though.

"Oh yeah?! Who?!" He snaps.

I froze, he wouldn't normally be angry at me like that.

"I-I'm just saying that you shouldn't be with someone like him because he's an inconsiderate idiot!" I shout back, being a bit nervous at first.

"Why?! Why shouldn't I?! Can I at least have a shot?! I was always told what to do and I was pressured for it! JUST LET ME BE!"

My eyes widen. I'm on the verge of crying but I don't show it. How does he not know that I love him and only him? I've always cared for him. I stay quiet.

"That's what I thought." He starts walking away.


"Zip it, Alexander." He continues to leave and slams the door.

He'd always tell me to shut up when I start rambling but he would be joking around. Now, his voice was filled with venom.

《End of flashback》

I have to face him in school tomorrow, but I really don't want to. I can't face him while he's angry at me. It seems as if I have to, though.

<<Time Skip>>

I couldn't stand it. Everytime I see John I would feel frustrated and sad. Why him? Why Charles? That stupid dumbass bitch! I have the urge to go to the bathroom, but school's gonna be over in a few hours so I just wait. I look at John, who is a few feet away from me. He's spacing out, I guess. As the bell rang, I went out and rushed to the bathroom. I go into a stall and silently cry, knowing I'll never get John. I loved the times where we'd hang out and when I would tease him about being shorter than me. I don't want to lose him too. If I were just his friend, that would be enough. If he would end up with Charles, our friendship will falter, for sure. I don't want that to happen. It would break me.


Is that... John?

"Alex, let's talk. Come out." He says softly. I stay still.

"Lexi, I know you're in there."

I come out of the stall, my face obviously looking like I just cried.

"Were you crying?" He asks and I nod.

"Do you like Charles?" He asks me.

"What? No! He insults people and is a stupid bitch!"

"Then why are you so upset about me liking him?"

"I don't want you getting heartbroken! If he'd lay a hand on you the wrong way, I would be devastated! And that's not all!"

"W-what do you mean 'that's not all'?"

"Can't you see that I love you?!" His eyes widen.

"Am.. am I hearing that right?"

"Yes." I look down.

He suddenly wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.

"What about Charles? I thought he was better..." I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him closer.

This was when I realized he was crying.

"You w-were the only one who truly cared for me. How could I not love you? You were always there when I needed you. I-I thought if I eyed other people then you wouldn't mind me gushing over you without you even knowing. You were right, Charles is a dick."

"Hm, I'm always right." I smile cockily.

"You asshole!" He lets go of the hug and playfully punches my arm as we laugh.

"Seriously though, I was mad because even if you did like people other than me, I didn't want them hurting you in any way. I didn't want our friendship to end either. Sure, I would be heartbroken, but being your friend would be enough."

"So, do you still want to be friends?"

"If you want, can I call you mine?"

"Of course, Alexander. I love you." I go closer to him and hold his hips.

"I love you too, Peaches." I lean in and we share a loving kiss.

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