Good Things To Come From The Bad

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"W-wait, don't leave!" aaaaaand there goes the bus. I swear, the driver always hates me. Why does this always happen to me?

"Hello. You need a ride home?" I turn around to see a guy that's taller than me with some fuzz he can't even grow and shoulder-length thin hair. Based on his features, he looks familiar. Maybe I've seen him in a college lecture or something.

"U-um, it's quite far, it would be a bit of a waste of your time." I say to the man. I think I definitely know him.

"That's fine. I actually wanna go home late." He says, which makes me a bit confused but I won't question the reason. "By the way, I'm a student in the same college, if you haven't noticed."

"Oh, I think I have. Wait, can't you just rent a dorm?" I ask.

"I could say the same for you. I just don't wanna be with some trouble-making roommate that won't even split the rent, and if I'm alone there'll definitely be a bunch of noise in other rooms, maybe in a slightly inappropriate manner." He explains, which makes sense. It would be a bit of a hassle.

"Well... I don't wanna be a chip on your shoulder. I mean, you have your own problems. I'll wait for another bus." I insist.

"No, no, you won't be a waste of time. Plus, the next bus is gonna arrive at quarter to 8, and it's already dark by then."

"Um, okay, I-I guess I can come along with you. Where's your vehicle?"

"Right over there." He points to a car a few meters away from us. "I might get some more gas, if you don't mind."

"I don't."

"Okay then." He leads me to his car and opens the passenger seat for me, and I get in. People may have not agreed to let a person that they barely know drive them home, but I don't really care. I feel like I trust him already, which is a bit strange. I mean, he's not that bad in school. He's actually known as a prodigy with a slight attitude. If I end up somewhere else that isn't home, at least my dad isn't there.

"Hey, you seem like you're thinking about something too hard. Are you alright?"

I perk up and turn to him, then nodded.

"'Mkay. Where's your house?" He asks me, turning on his GPS.

"*insert address heere*" I say.

He starts to drive. I just wanna eat and then sleep. I don't feel like doing homework, but I have to.

"What year are you in?" I ask, trying to make a conversation with him. I don't know why, but something just made me suddenly interested in him.

"I'm a junior. How about you?" He turns the question to me.

"I'm a sophomore." I answer.

"This is your street, right?" He asks me.

I suddenly feel all panicky. Crap, what if dad is there. He's gonna scold me for coming home late. I don't wanna know what happens when I come home.

"U-um... It's Alex, right?" I say out of the blue.

"Yep." He replies, his eyes glued to the road. (I thought of it literally lmao)

"I-is it okay if... I don't go home? Erm, you can just drop me off in a 7/11 or something."

"Why? I thought you wanted to go home." He glances at me for a bit before looking back at the windshield.

"I..." I think of a way to say it in little detail, resulting in me hesitating. "...don't wanna go home."

"Then where will you stay?" He asks. Oh... I didn't think of that.

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