Run Away

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John's POV

Please, give me a chance to run away from here.

"John Laurens, please find Alexander Hamilton. I know he's present but he doesn't seem to be in class right now." The teacher says.

"Oh, yes, sir." I oblige and get out of the classroom. Finally! This guys is the least of my problems but at least I get to skip at least a few minutes of class.

I walk around campus a bit, slowing my pace for me to stall some time. I really do not want to be dealing with Chemistry, and probably so does this 'Alexander' guy. I think I've seen him; granted, he is in a class with me, but I haven't really talked to him. Pretty sure he's that really intelligent guy but looks like he would punch you if you messed with him and the one who breaks school rules. Many girls gawk at him, but they're acting kind of obnoxious about it. Not that I'm jealous or anything, it's just that they're making it such a big deal that when he walks by them, they'd chatter really, really loudly to their friends and squeal every time. I know what it feels like to have a crush, but no need to be so annoying about it. Pretty sure he's annoyed by it too.

Minutes go by and I decide to look out of campus. I wouldn't go far, as much as I want to, and would just look around the side of the school. As I keep on searching, I see a trail of smoke around the corner. I head over to it and see a guy sitting on a short brick wall. I immediately hide myself behind the corner where I was already on. Okay, I'm shy, and I'm not even sure if he's the guy I'm supposedly looking for! I only glanced at him for a little bit, and there are probably other students skipping class at this hour.

"I saw you. I bet the teacher told you to look for me." Welp, I guess I know now. Somehow, I feel embarrassed.

I sigh and show myself. "Smoking isn't allowed on school grounds, you know." I say, with my face feeling hot. Not exactly in anger, I guess I was just really shy somehow.

"I'm not even in campus." He retaliates.

"At least nearby. Why are you even cutting classes?" I put my hand on my hip.

"I don't need to fuck around in Chemistry. I'm already acing it anyway." He proceeds to smoke, with the smoke emitting from it and getting on my face. I cough and fan it away with my hand.

"Well, it's your loss that you were absent." I turn around and try to leave only for him to grab me by the side and pull me to him. His face is so close to mine, that I get flustered and blush uncontrollably. He must've noticed this and stepped back, letting go of me. I feel relieved, but still a bit awkward.

"Hold on. Since it's last period and it's almost ending anyway, wanna come with me somewhere? Let's ditch this shithole." He says, putting the cigarette in the pocket of his jacket. Huh, so now he just suddenly wants me to be with him? Where will he even take me? And why me?!

"Bold of you to assume I'll go with you. We don't even know each others' names." I say, trying to be hard-to-get. Honestly, a part of me is curious but the other part of me doesn't want to risk it. Ok, and I have to admit, this guy is hot... and twice my size, in a hyperbolic manner.

"I'm Alexander Hamilton. And you?"

"John Laurens. Now, just because you already know my identity doesn't mean I'll still go with you right away."

He suddenly goes closer and I feel like this is 'oh shit' moment numero two. I'd rather skip the contact. He whispers in my ear, leaning down just to do so. "C'mon, I know you want to. Just run away with me for a while."

As I blush for the second time today, I try to not sound as awkward as possible. "Well, that's kind of sus." I say, slightly pushing him away with my hand.

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