Love Without Is Just Nothingness

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Trigger Warnings: corpses, killing

John and Maria are 17 years old,
Peggy is 16,
Alex is 20
Herc and Eliza are 19,
Laf and Angelica are 21,

I don't know why, I just felt like saying their ages.

////Alex's POV////

Day 21 of the apocalypse. The ratio to the infected and uninfected are still pretty far, uninfected being higher, but not so much.

The virus had already spread to some parts of NYC and we're panicking. My adoptive brother, Lafayette and I were close friends with Angelica, Eliza for a while and we're trying to survive this together. Although, Angelica and Eliza lost their younger sister, Peggy, which is really sad to hear. We're still in Laf and I's house, but we're running out of supplies so we have to go out. I sigh.

My mom was long gone before the apocalypse, so was my brother, and my dad's most probably dead out there. I don't think anyone can help us. Most people are just killing to stay alive, whether killing a zombie or not. I may be 20 years old but I don't think I can survive this alone. The voices in my head keep bugging me about the apocalypse and the possibility of wiping out the entire planet. I shiver; I hope it never comes to that, I'm too young! I haven't found a lover yet. It's devastating for I will most probably die, even with my friends with me.

Uh oh, I'm having that moment again. I feel tears trail down my cheeks. Keep it together, Alexander.

I want to know who made this mess and I want them to fix it. If they become a zombie too, then we're all screwed. My friends and I are one of the few people who are trying to find out who made the virus and demand for an antidote of some kind. As I heard from the news, it started in South Carolina. Not a lot of people are determined anymore, as I can tell. Some people are frantic and have probably gone insane. It feels as if we're never gonna survive this, but I can at least try to find them because who says I couldn't and wouldn't?

To the subject of that, I couldn't do it if we die of starvation and dehydration. We're running low on food and water so we have to go get some more. Shit, I dreaded this day but I knew it would come.

"Guys, we should really head out to get some supplies, we're running low."

"Agreed." Laf says.

"Alright." Angelica says with Eliza.

We head out to the outside world with our weapons and remaining medical supplies. There are a few corpses scattered on the ground, nothing new. We always witness it when we look out the window. I see a group of walkers nearby. Shit, they noticed me.

I see them going in my direction, and they are not slow, but they still aren't fast enough so I can take them down. I shoot six of them and slash one with my knife in the neck. Angelica, Lafayette and Eliza shot a few as well.

"Ah, shit." A zombie grabs hold of me so Laf tackled it to the ground and stabbed its head a few times since it wasn't dying easily.

There aren't any zombies in sight anymore so we start putting our weapons away.

"Woah, look over there!" Eliza says and we look at where she's pointing. It's a group of survivors killing a bunch of zombies! Oh my goodness, there are more of them that aren't crazy!

We go up to them and help. One of the people, they were wearing a cloth mask so I couldn't really see the lower half of their face aside from their eyes, were tackled by a zombie. Angelica shoots the zombie but the person was still on the ground, injured. I go up to them but one of them almost shot me.

"Good god!" I yelp and dodge the bullet. Their eyes widen and they get up.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry! I just saw your sillhouette and thought you were a walker!" They get up and remove their mask. It was a boy who looked a bit younger than me. His eyes were glossy, meaning he was about to cry.

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