You Cut Open My Heart

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Okay, time to start the day. Who's throat should I slit first? I put on a coat and put my knife in the inner pocket. I feel the need to kill tonight. I don't know why, I just like killing people I despise. I don't like torture, though. Stabbing and shooting is enough. I think there's something wrong with me and I need to be put in a mental institution, but that's boring. The only people I would kill are the people I hate, though, whether someone I hate on the internet or in person. I don't feel the need to kill innocent people.

I head out of the flat that I share with my buddy Aaron. He actually knows I'm a murderer, but he doesn't really care about it as long as I don't kill anyone he knows and cares about. I trust him enough to keep a secret.

I'm quite stealthy in killing and I don't like people witnessing since it'll be chaos if someone did. I go outside to find a person named Charles Lee. I've despised this guy for a long time but I didn't really have the chance to kill him. This time, I'm gonna do it for real. I know where he lives since he was a former young co-worker of Washington, but I don't exactly know where he is right now.

I walk around for a while until I finally spot Lee. He's sitting on a bench in a park and he seems to be trying to inch closer to a boy beside him who looks a bit younger than me and has freckles on his face. I sneak closer, trying not to be seen, and listen to their conversation.

"Charles, how many times do I have to say it?! I'm not going out with you!"

"C'mon, princess, you'll have a good time." Lee purrs and sneaks a hand on the smaller boy's thigh.

"Ugh, stop that!" He says, slapping Lee's hand away from him. At this point in time, I decide to take action.

I get up. "Hey, Charles, remember me?" I say with an eyebrow raised and a slightly pissed expression. "Huh, Hamilton, what do you want?" He asks, seemingly a bit irritated with me interrupting him.

"I need to have a word with you privately. It's about Washington."

"Ugh, fine." He turns to the freckled male. "We're not done here." Lee says to him and follows me. I glance at the boy again. He's really cute, honestly. He has beautiful eyes, really soft looking curly hair in a low ponytail and cute freckles. I wonder if he has them everywhere- uh, okay... let's get back on track. {a/n: jesus, alex, you said that in two oneshots already} He looks back at me and I wink and smirk at him, not in a creepy way, it's just a reassuring gesture. He smiles back at me and looks down. I turn back to Lee and we go away from the rest of the citizens.

"Okay, so what's wrong with Washington?" He asks.

"Oh, nothing's wrong with him. The only thing wrong here is you acting like a creep to that boy there."

"Oh, you mean Laurens? Hah, he just doesn't realize that I could be better for him."

"Laurens... that's his name?"

"Yup. John Laurens."

"Anyway, if he doesn't want to be touched and messed with, then leave him alone." I'm telling him all this mainly because if he leaves John alone, I could spare him. But if he doesn't, he'd be facing death.

"He's just too stubborn. It isn't my fault." That's it, he crossed the line. I then grab my knife and stab his shoulder. He screams in pain and starts breathing heavily.

"What the fuck, Hamilton?!" He shouts.

"You bitch, you ignorant bastard." I spit at him.

"Huh, says the bastard himse-" I cut him off and lodge the knife in his stomach. Charles falls to the ground, dead.

I carry his body and hide it in the bushes. Not really a good place to put a body, let alone a dead one, but nobody will find it. And if they do, they won't be able to find the killer. Luckily, I didn't get blood on my clothes so I just hid the bloody knife in my pocket for me to wash it later once I'm in my apartment.

I go back to 'John' and he looks at me.

"Where did he run off to?" He asks me.

"I made him head off to Washington. He didn't really have to, though, I was just trying to make him leave you alone. I know that guy since he was a co-worker of Washington." I say.

"Oh, thanks. He was acting like a total creep. I've known him for a bit, but I found out that he wanted me to be with him but I refused. He couldn't stop bugging me afterwards." The boy sighs. "I'm John Laurens, by the way."

"Alexander Hamilton."

"Well, 'til we meet again, Alexander." He warmly smiles at me, and then he left.

...Could it be possible for me to fall so easily?

I go back to my place to see Aaron watching TV.

"Oh, welcome back, Alex. Who'd you kill this time?" He jokes, chuckling.

"Nobody needs to know." I say and he just shrugs. "Oh, by the way, do you know who John Laurens is?" I ask. Aaron knows a lot of people.

"Yeah, I know him. He's friends with Hercules Mulligan and Marquis de Lafayette. Why? Do you want to kill him?"

"What? No! Not at all."

"Then, why'd you ask about him."

"I dunno. I just wanna know more about him and stuff." I mumble and sit on the couch.

"Hm... you like him, don't you?"

"What?! No!! Why would I?" I exvlaim, blushing.

"You're reaction... you're definetely into him." Aaron smirks.

"Ugh, fine, I do." I admit.

"Hah! Who knew a murderer could be in love and be so bad at lying?" He jokes.

"Shut up, Burrd."

"Don't call me that." He glares at me. "And, I could see why you like him. He's so small and pretty, isn't he?" He teases again.

I roll my eyes and turn pink. "Anyway, is there any way I could see him again?"

"Um... he usually goes to the bar near us."

"Wow, what specific directions." I say sarcastically.

"Oh, come on. It's the only bar around this place.

"Oh, alright. Thanks, Aaron."

"No prob. Don't be all stalker-y." He says, still facing the TV.

"Noted." I say and make my way to the bar.

Ah, the good ol' cliffhanger. I'll leave you guys to it.


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