I Know A Place

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Run Away part 2.

So much has happened between Alex and John. Of course they had struggles, but they went through them because of each other, and Alex has stopped smoking for his and John's sake. Once school ended for them, they decided to take it slow for now. Despite that, communication between them wasn't very much when it comes to problems, especially John. He never really wanted to tell Alex in depth about what he's going through since he just wanted him to be happy and not mind the bad and horrid things he's going through. Alex, as the very over-protective best friend he is, (yes, they're still friends, they haven't planned on being together yet) he wouldn't allow that. They'd argue about it but not in a high extent. Really, all Alex wanted is for them to be free from disease and to just not care about anything that haunts them.

John's POV

I feel my phone vibrate from my back pocket and take it out, seeing a notification with a text from Alexander.

Hammy>///<: Johnny boy, where are you?

I was out getting some food. Sorry, I must've forgotten to remind you 😅

Hammy>///<: It's all right. I was just checking in. Don't stay out too late, I'm getting paranoid.

Okay, papi ;)

Hammy>///<: John please no I just took a shower I don't wanna get a cold one this time.

I blush but laugh at his reaction. Flirting is an all time favorite of his, and I honestly like it a lot. Well, I'd really only allow him to flirt with me. I don't mind, even if we aren't officially a couple.

Like what my butter fingers would always do, I drop my phone on the floor accidentally. I got frightened for a second and bent down to get it, only for me to hear someone whistle behind me in a flirty way. I get irritated but just brush it off, knowing very well it's just some pervy cat-caller wandering in the streets at night. I carry on and walk back home.

"Hey, baby. You need a ride back home?" A low voice creeps up to me as I walk and I sigh softly in annoyance.

"No, thank you. I'd rather walk home in peace with no one with me right now." I say without looking back, making it clear in my voice that I'm not interested. He laughs briefly and I hear his footsteps come closer and faster for a few seconds, with him probably trying to catch up to me and get closer to me. I sweat and get very anxious, knowing he's right behind my tail.

"Don't be modest, John. You're house is far away. Or hey, maybe I'll take you to my place." That insisting voice... don't tell me it's...

"I-I'm really not interested. Go away." I say, making my voice louder and walking faster. Of course, he catches up to me, being more forceful. He puts a hand on my waist and one covering my mouth while pulling my body against his. My heart beat goes faster and I feel a bad sense of dread fill the atmosphere of my surroundings. He whispers something in my ear in a hoarse voice and I become mortified, eventually leaving me helpless in a bad way.

"Char—" I say in shock, only for him to shush me forcefully and he goes to have control over me once again.

Alex's POV

Hm... that's weird, it's been hours and he hasn't came over to me yet. I wonder when he'll arrive. He's sometimes late, but not usually this late. Heck, it's 10 pm already, he would've told me sooner since he left at around 5 pm. Did he just forget? I'll just text him then.

Hey, John. Are you not gonna come over? I assumed you would
but it's already getting late. If you aren't able to go then that's fine.

No response after 10 minutes. That's unusual as well. Wonder where he is right now. After a few hours, it's already 3 am and no text from John. He must have passed out or something...? I-I don't know. I feel a sense that something's not right, but I try to ignore that feeling. Maybe he just needed alone time, that's it.

...I can't sleep. Why am I so paranoid about the smallest things?! I jolt up, sitting straight from my bed and I grip at my hair in distress.

"Why is he not home yet?!" I say in my mind, and it really screams how worried I am.

I pick up my phone and check. Nada. As I check the time, a light shines through the translucent curtains of the windows. It's already morning? And John isn't here yet? I look around the house and see no sign he was ever here. Eventually, I go back up to my room and see I have a message. I pick it up immediately and hope that it's from John.

Unknown: Thanks for letting me borrow your whore.

What? Who is this? It's definitely not John.


. . .

"Alexander, what are you doing?" John asks in a soft voice from just waking up as he sees me packing up a suitcase with a backpack beside me filled with clothes.

"We're fucking leaving this place. I don't care anymore. What happened to you the other week was unbearable. Y-you do wanna leave with me, do you?" I ask, afraid if he'd say no.

His eyes light up and widen. "A-Alex, this is what I've always wanted! Of course I'd love to go with you." He says, smiling with small wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. I chuckle in relief at his cuteness then close the suitcase.

"Great. Guess what, I know a place we could go. It's far from the highways and homes. No one would even notice that we left. You've always hated the constant noise on the road, right?" He nods at what I said. Eventually, he looks down and frowns a bit, his eyebrows furrowing, as he probably seems worried.

"A-Alex, I don't know if we could just leave it all behind. What if everything just comes back to us? What even is the great escape from it?" He asks with a sad face. I stop everything I'm doing and take his hand.

"It doesn't matter. Running away may let it catch up, but if we're far enough then it won't even find us. Plus, we have each other. We're adults now, not just vulnerable teenagers. Isn't that enough?" I ask him.

He looks down but then looks up at me with a small smile an determined look on his face. "That would be enough."

. . .

I look in front of me, on the empty road in my car. It would take a while to get there, maybe a few hours, but it's worth it. I stop at a gas station and look at my John, laying his head on the car window, asleep.

I know a place we could go~
I know a place where there aren't any roads
Where the grass is always greener and doesn't scratch your fingers
I know a place. . .

Oof, kinda half-assed, sorry. It is a pretty sweet story though.

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