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..............I'm clearly running out of ideas *cough*

I decided to make Philip as John's little brother cause why not


"SHHHH!!! Pip might hear you!"

"It doesn't matter! You look so precious, AH! I might die of cuteness! Your freckles and short height was cute enough, but THIS?!"

"Jesus Chri-"

"Hey, guys. I heard you blabbing about some stuff so I wanted to come along." Philip cuts John off when he entered the room without both Alex and John noticing.

"Hey, Pip. You look so much like John!" Alex says and puts Philip beside John to compare.

"Haha, well, I guess you can say I can be your son."

"But wait, we're brothers." John says, confused.

"Doesn't matter, you guys are definitely automatically married by now." Philip says and John blush while Alex smirks at him as well.

"Philllll!" John whines.

"Ew, don't call me that."

"Oh come on! It's the name of Phil Lester too." John exclaims.

"Whatever. It doesn't suit me."

"What does suit you is 'Pippy'" Alexander says ina joking manner.

"Alex! No, not that!" Pip complains and John laughs. "Still, I'm your
for-now-son, you guys are definitely a married couple, and my name's Philip."

"And you're a poet." Alex adds.

John rolls his eyes playfully. "Whatever, I'm making lemonade for you two dweebs." He says as he makes his way downstairs, leaving Alex and Philip.

"So, when are you gonna do it?" Pip asks Alexander.

"What?" He answers, nervously.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about." Philip raises a brow.

"Well, I'm still thinking-"

"Nah, man. You're OVER-thinking. John loves you very much! And I'd know, he's my brother."

"...alright" Alex sighs. "I'm taking that wedding ring out of that sock drawer at Monday. I'll ask him then."

"Yes! Oh my god, finally!" Philip cheers. "Don't be a wuss, alright?"

"Fine." Alex rolls his eyes. "I'm doing it."

"By 'it', you mean John?"

"PIP!" Alex turns red and Pip just laughs at him. "Whatever, I'll be top anyway."

"We ALL know that."

"Hey hey, I'm back." John enters the room with a pitcher and 3 glasses.

Alex smiles at him and looks down. Alright, Monday. Here we go.

Needless to say, they named their child after Philip.

I made this at 4 am, so it's bound to be not-so-good-quality-but-it's-good-anyway-because-it's-Lams.

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