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Will someone make a reference with the title? Ig I'll have to wait for it and see -w-

John's POV

"Bye mom! See you later!" I say as I leave the house.

"Bye, sweetie!" She says back to me.

I start walking to my school, pretty excited. I'm quite a marine biology nerd and love animals, but there's nothing wrong with that. Plus, there is a certainly cute guy there. People are aware that I'm gay and they completely respect that, not all of them but at least most of them are accepting. Especially Peggy Schuyler, my friend since diapers. Speaking of her, I see my best friend sitting on a bench near the school. I walk over to her and tap her shoulder.

"Heya, Johnny." She says, looking up from her phone.

"Hey," I greet nonchalantly. "Let's head inside the school, shall we?"

"Sure." She smiles.

As we go inside, we go to our lockers that are quite near each other. As I was done putting all my stuff inside, I hear someone running towards me.

"Hey, Jacky~" I hear Alexander say to me.

"Hey, Lexi~" I joke.

We chuckle lightly. "Whatcha gonna do later?"

"Hm... probably study."

"Boriiiing. Why can't you just hang out with me?"

"Alex, I want to, but I'm not sure if I could. I'll just tell you if I can." I smile.

"Well then, see ya later, dollface." He winks and leaves as I blush.

"Looks like someone's got a crush." Peggy wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I awkwardly laugh. "A-as if! I don't like th-that flirt." I try not sound flustered but fail.

"Riiiiiiiight." She smirks.

"Ugh, let's just go to class." I roll my eyes, still blushing, while she laughs lightly.

~lil time skip~

After my last class ended, I go to my locker and grab my stuff. Once I close it, I see Thomas Jefferson with Charles Lee coming up to me.

"Hey, sugar, wanna hang?" Thomas is such a flirt, but really only to me.

"U-um, sorry I can't. I'm a bit busy."

"Aw, c'mon darling, you know we don't like you hanging with Peggy more than us." Charles is a bit of a flirt too.

"C'mon~ you'll have a good time~" Thomas lifts my chin up, slightly forcing me to face him.

"U-uh, I gotta go."

"Just listen, John. We don't like it when you're like that." Charles says.

"Hey! Just let him go, guys! He already said he didn't want to hang out with you." A familiar voice shouts.

"My, my, well played, Francis. C'mon, let's go." He said while leaving with Charles

"Hey, you okay? Did theu sexually assault you or something?" Francis Kinloch says to me, concerned.

"No, I'm alright." I smile a bit.

"Well, good to know. Don't listen to them, 'kay? They're toxic people."

"Heh, I know. Thanks."

I see him blush faintly. "No problem, John. See ya."

"You too." Then, he left as well.

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