I Love Play Rehearsal

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I'm known in this school as being a theatre/art kid, which I don't mind at all. I love play rehearsal! I have a lot of buddies in the after school play rehearsal, Lafayette, Christine, Jenna, Jeremy, Connor, Heather McNamara and some other acquaintances. Sometimes, you can bring a friend along to let them see you at rehearsal, Mr. Reyes allows it. There are some kids I know who are just here to see us practice every Friday, Heather M. brings Veronica, Connor brings Evan and Jared, Jeremy brings his boyfriend Michael and Laf brings his adopted brother. And, my God, I think he's pretty cute. Laf noticed me staring at him once and realized what was going on so he decided to introduce me to him. His name was Alexander and he's taller than me but shorter than Lafayette and he's also an athlete. He isn't that popular, but he isn't a "loser" either. He must be a senior as well as Lafayette. Though, I'm not sure if he likes guys, which is a bum.

Now, back to the present. I'm quite early today at rehearsal, since I'm the first one heere. I decide to just sing while waiting for the others to arrive. The play we rehearse is actually Heathers, so I guess I'll just sing Seventeen in the meantime.

. . .

"We'll bake brownies, or go bowling. Don't you want a life with me~? Can't we be seventeen~? Is that so hard to do~? If you could let me in, I could be good with you..." I just keep singing, oblivious to what's going on around me, which is nothing since I don't see anyone here yet.

"People hurt us.." "Or they vanish." I yelp quietly from the voice that started singing and I look at the doorway where I see... Alexander? I feel my face get warm.

"Oh, did I scare you? My bad..." He chuckles quietly.

"No, no, no, I was just surprised, is all." I assure him. "You're beautiful- Wait- I mean, your voice is beautiful." He says awkwardly and I see his face turn a bit pink. "Well, thank you." I say, blushing way harder than I thought I ever could.

"Where's Lafayette? Doesn't he come here with you as well?" I ask once I notice that Laf isn't there with him.

"He's not feeling well, but I came anyways." He says and shrugs. "Why?" I ask. I'm not sure why he would come even if his adoptive brother wasn't ther-

"I came to see you." He says, smiling. Oh, waddafook? (Jacksfilms- I mean, forehead boy anyone?)

"W-what? U-um, w-why would you
s-see me?" I say, stuttering. Ugh, I sound so stupid.

"What's not to like in seeing you?" He says to me. "Flirt alert!" Oh, Laf's here. Wait, Laf?! I thought he wasn't feeling okay!

"Laf? What're you doing here? I thought you were sick!" My thoughts exactly, Alexander.

"Heh, I made a little bet with myself."

"What?" Alex and I ask in unison.

"The previous classes, I skipped since I was sick, but I came here at the time of rehearsal to see if you went here to see John, and I was right! You did come here to see him! You do like hiiiiiim!" Laf teases and meanwhile, Alex and I are almost the exact equivalent of tomatoes.

"Jesus Christ, Laf. Why did you have to say it out loud?" Alex buries his face in his hands and Lafayette just laughs.

"What? I'm being honest, aren't I?" Laf teases again. "Oh, by the way, I'm leaving you guys. I'm still sick, ya know. Au revoir, les amoureux!" And with that, he left. Oh god, now it's awkward, and it's still very early so no one is gonna be here for probably the next half hour.

"Don't mind him, I think he's gone high." Alex says to me, still blushing, and I laugh and suddenly snort.

"Did you just snort? Oh my god, that was adorable!" He says and chuckles.

"What? No it wasn't!" I say, and turn away.

. . .

Rehearsal starts and when I was practicing, I saw Alex stare at me, but then looks away almost immediately when I caught him. Heh, cute.

. . .

As soon as rehearsal ends, Alex goes uo to me. "Hey, John.."


"I want to get to know you more, and this may seem bold of me to say, but you're really beautiful. Wanna hang out with me sometime?"



"Yes, I wanna go." I blush and smile.

"Great." Alex grabs my hand and kisses the back of my palm. "Does Wednesday, 4pm sound good?"

"Yeah, sure." I giggle a bit.

"See ya around, peach." He winks at me and leaves.

As soon as he leaves the room...

Little did he know that Alex heard it. He just laughed and thought of John the whole day.

Cringey fluff? Now that's the shit! (Also, it's 2 am right now where I live and istg, I need the sweet release of death and lams.)


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