Speak Up

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Here's a soulmate au where you know your soulmate's first words to you... but, John doesn't want to talk to people. I guess he's selective mute to everyone else.
(If I get anything wrong here, just stick with it)

Texting and writing doesn't count, by the way.


I rarely talk now. Eversince severely bullied in school, I stopped talking to anyone besides my family, I just use incoherent whispers to them. I always feel alone. If I open my mouth, I'll just get hurt even more. The last three years I had in high school were scarring to me. I hope this year would at least be a little alright...

And, the thing is... how am I gonna meet my soulmate if I don't talk?! I don't wanna talk, but I guess I have to...? Ugh, this is too stressful. I guess I'll just wait if I could muster up the courage to talk. The only time I could express words properly is by singing in private where no one could bother me. Weird, I know, but it keeps me out of reality. If someone were to find out, I'd run away from them.

My soulmate's words are "Woah, sorry. Hey, you're so cute and tiny!" Huh, I expected something different for them to say to me. I mean, yeah, I am small, but why would someone just randomly say that to me out of he blue? Well, I shouldn't question it.

===Time Skip To School===

I look down at my feet while walking. I feel so small in my school, not only figuratively, but psychologically. I don't feel capable of being confident in school anymore.

There are so many people... I don't feel safe for some reason as I walk through the halls with a lot of students. I hate feeling like this.

As most of the students went home, that's when I finally get to go to my locker. Though, I accidentally bump into someone.


"Woah, sorry. Hey, you're so cute and tiny!" My eyes widen once the guy says that. Oh my lord, he's my soulmate.

I look up at him, since he's taller than me. He's cute, holy fuck. I blush and just nod.

"Um, are you okay?" He asks and I nod again. "Can you speak?" I shake my head, no. "Selective?" I nod. That's really one of the only things I could do to communicate with other people.

"Huh, interesting. I'm Alexander, by the way. I'm a senior. What's your name?" He grabs a pen and paper from his bag and hands it to me.

John Laurens. Senior.

"Well, pleasure to meet you, John." He bows and I smile at him. "Where are you headed?" I point to my locker that is a few feet away. We walk over there and I get my stuff. He just talks to me while I do so.

I close my locker and get my backpack.

"So... why are you mute?" Alex asks me. I feel ashamed, I don't want to talk about it. I look down and frown a bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to..." he looks down in shame.

I shake my head and write down that it's alright. He smirks at me. "What's your phone number? I want to talk to you more." I blush and write it down, handing it to him once I'm done.

"Thanks. See ya later, dollface." He winks at me and walks away.

Did he just... call me... dollface?! Holy crap, I think I might faint...

"Hey, John, what're you smiling about?" My mother smiles warmly at me, sitting next to me on the couch.

"I think I met my soulmate today." I say quietly.

She gasps and hugs me tightly. "Oooh, I'm so proud! Wait, did you talk to them? Do they know?" She then suddenly asks, pulling away from the hug. I shake my head, as if to say no.

"Aw, it's okay, Jacky. One day, you'll muster up the courage to talk to them! By the way, who are they? What's their name? What's their gender?" She asks eagerly.

"Alexander.." I whisper. My mom hugs me once more. "Aw, I bet he's amazing!" I smile at her.

My dad then arrives. "Hey, Jack! Hey, Ellie." He kisses my mother. "How're you both?" He asks us.

"John found his soulmate!" My father gasps. "Congrats, John! Who are they?" "His name is Alexander."

"He sounds nice. I hope he is. You should invite him to come over sometime!" My dad says, seemingly excited to find out about my soulmate. I nod at my parents we hug.

Alex and I became really close after about 2 months. I still didn't talk to him yet, he tried encouraging me to, but maybe I should wait. I mean, we could just text anyway.

There are still some bitches at school, but it doesn't matter anymore because Alex is always here by my side.

"Hey, Jacky!" Alex waves at me and goes up to me. "I found a secret place behind the school, wanna come with?" He whispers to me. I nod eagerly. "Great! I'm pretty sure you're gonna love it." He smirks.

Later after school, Alex leads John to the place behind the school. He didn't know what it was, so he was a bit excited.

Once they get there, John gasp quietly. There's a beautiful lake with lush green grass. It looks so relaxing and calm. Alex sits on the grass and pats the ground beside him, gesturing for John to sit down. He does so and just stares at the lake.

"You like it?" Alex asks and John nods quickly, making Alex chuckle. "I thought you would..."

John leans his head on Alexander's shoulder, making both of them blush.

"...I like it here. I feel at ease with you." Alex's eyes widen. John finally talked to him, which made his heart flutter. What's better is that Alex's soulmate would say those exact words to him, which means...

Alex gently grabs John's chin and kisses him, making John surprised. They pull away and stand up.

"Hi, soulmate~" Alex says, holding John at his waist.


"I'm so glad you're my soulmate, I dreamed you would be."

"I already knew, of course, I was just scared..."

"You didn't have to be.." Alex kisses him again.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Freckles."

More cringey fluff? Fuck yeah!
Also, this was unedited. I was hesitant to publish this but, like what JD said, "fuck it!"


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