Midnight Interlude

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Alex's POV

I couldn't sleep tonight, for some reason. My eyes are droopy and I feel tired, but I couldn't sleep. I decide to just go downstairs and drink some tea. I don't wanna wake John up, who's sleeping on his bed on the other side of the room.

For some reason, I just stare at him for a while. He's so smol and cute, wrapped up in his blanket like a little burrito. The thought of that makes me chuckle.

I get out of bed and go downstairs. I make some tea and just sit on the couch, enjoying the hot drink.

I then hear shuffling from upstairs and I realize John's going downstairs. I quickly thought of a fun way to prank him. I'm gonna jumpscare him. May sound evil, but he won't hate me afterwards, surely.

I hide under the staircase, ready to scare John. I peek a little just to see if he's going down yet. Once he's near...

"BAAAH!" "WAH!" He stumbles over, almost falling and I laugh hysterically "Alex, you prick!" He jabs my arm but I still keep on laughing.

"It's so late, why are you up right now?" He asks me once I've calmed down.

"I could ask the same about you. I just wanted some tea since I couldn't sleep."

"I couldn't sleep either. I noticed you went downstairs so I followed you to ask what's up. Then that's the time you fucking jumpscared me." He pouts and I laugh at him being salty because of a prank. I pinch his cheek.

"Also, Alex, what were you doing earlier?"

"Hm?" I hum, not knowing what he meant.

"I mean, you just stared at me and laughed a bit, then you went downstairs."

My face turns pink. "Oh, uh, you looked adorable..." I mumble and he blushes as well. "Are you still tired?" I ask him.


"You want some tea?"

"Yes please. Earl Grey, two sugars, and some cream."


For the rest of the night, we just drank our tea and cuddled on the couch. He fell asleep on my shoulder at dawn, which was so cute. I hold him in my arms and sleep as well.

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