Nothing Else Matters

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John's POV

"Hey~ sugar cube." I hear a familiar flirtatious voice creep up behind me, making me shiver and completely setting me off guard.

I sigh in a bit of annoyance and turn around. "What do you want, Alex?" I raise a brow with a poker face on.

"I need to show you something." He says suddenly in a different tone. I-I don't know or like where this is going.

"U-um, what?" I ask, not knowing what he means.

"Just, come on." He motions me to follow him and, not knowing why, I follow. I mean, he is an acquaintance, so it might be rude to decline. I mean, I guess there is a red flag when someone asks you to follow them at the end of the school day, especially when you don't know where they're leading you.

We go around the back of the school. It's kind of dark, but the yellow-orange rays of the sun's light shines the
through a bit anyway. It's getting a bit late, but I don't wanna go home yet. Alex kicks the wall really hard, only for a ladder to drop down. The loud noise made me yelp, making Alexander chuckle.

"That was adorable! Wish I recorded it." He smirks at me.

"You better not." I give him a daring look.

He laughs a bit again. "No need to be so defensive. Now, let's go up on the roof."

"Isn't that not allowed?" I ask, concerned and a bit nervous.

"Pshh, like they'll even care or notice. C'mon! It'll be fun." I hum a bit, thinking about it, then finally agreeing. He goes ahead, and I follow afterwards. Woah... the view up here is so calming. We both sit down with our legs criss-crossed and just stare at the beautiful landscape in front of us.

Alex's POV

"Ya like it?" I asks him, seeing his eyes glow as he looks at the sunset. Honestly, he's a better view than the sunset.

"Yeah... Have you showed other people this too?" He asks.

"No. Only you."

"Huh... Why me? We're not even that close. Not that I'm against it."

"Well, why not? I just wanted to hang out with. I know we aren't close, but it feels like I could trust you already, silly as it seems." I chuckle nervously. I see his face light up and he gives off a small yet warm smile to me, his face dusted lightly with a shade of pink.

"Thanks, Alex. I think that too. It's like we've already connected even if we aren't that close to each other."

"It's a bit strange, isn't it? Not that I'm complaining."

"Heh, maybe it's the fact that I..." he hesitates a bit, like deleting a text or a part of it that you haven't even sent just because you probably wrote down something stupid. "...see you as a really open and nice person, despite you fighting for the people you care about." He laughs nervously. I wonder what he was gonna originally say...

"Well, I am open, but not fully. No one knows my past, or even where I'm from, I don't say it because I don't want to be too close with other people."

"Oh..." He looks down at his hand, which is rested on the floor beside his legs. "I actually have a bit of trust issues with people. It was suddenly imbedded in my brain because of something that happened before, but it's not important." He smiles a bit, looking up at me, showing me he's okay. I smirk back at him too, bit something's off. I know he's just trying to hide it. He's a bit broken. I don't know how or why, I just have a feeling. That I need to help him somehow. He's like a closed off lily. If only I could make him open up to me. That would be one gift I'm never gonna break or throw away. I just want him to trust me... somehow. Not for manipulation, no, no, but for making him feel like he's at ease. This might sound a bit stalker-ish, but whenever I see him, I always have a sense that he's unhappy. When he's taking the bus to go home, he always looks like dread is building up on him. And whenever I flirt, trying to show and give him a hint that I fancy him, he just acts aloof and most of the time, he'd try to be hard to get but he's just flustered, and maybe scared...? That's a thing I'm trying to work on. I shouldn't be making him uncomfortable with my words and actions. After all, he is the thing that completes me. I wouldn't wanna push him away.

A few more minutes of comforting silence fills the atmosphere. At this point, the sun has already said goodbye, for it to come the next day.

"Alex.." John starts.

"Yes?" I had a thought of calling him a nickname, but I don't think it's appropriate for now.

"What's on your mind? You look like you're thinking in depth about something."

"..." I stay silent for a bit. "Have you ever thought: 'Wow, I like this person, a lot, but I don't want to hurt them and waste their time with my dumb shit.'? I mean, you could never waste anyone's time, honestly, but have you ever felt doubt of trying to be more intimate with somebody?" I ask.

"Oh, um... yes, actually, except I'm usually one to be afraid of being hurt. I've been in countless situations too where I would accidentally make someone feel bad and they'd say I hurt them and I'd feel bad, making me vulnerable and in control of their feelings, while they're in control of me in general." He sighs. I knew something was up. He must've been in a toxic relationship.

"It's okay. At least you've learned." I say, trying to keep the atmosphere a bit more positive.

John smiles a bit, despite it being a small little detail I see from him whenever I talk to him, it makes the sun more dull to me because he's so much better, despite him not realizing, unfortunately. His aura is sad, but he makes me feel alive. He changes too when I'm around. I guess he's more open now. I wonder if I'm actually a big deal to him than I think I was.

His face suddenly turns red and he turns away from me, covering a part of his face with his scarf. Hm? What's with the sudden reaction?

"John..." I start to say.

"Y-yes?" He looks at me with his eyes, not turning his head.

"Would you ever love me?" I say. All my confidence has been drained by that one question. His eyes widen and his face goes entirely red, as I see from the moonlight shining on his face. I know, it's bold thing to ask, but I just want to know. Now I realize that I might have upset him. "U-uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I just wanna know... It's okay if you don't want to answer." I look away in embarrassment. Damnit, I'm such a dumbass.

"It wouldn't hurt to do so..."

"To what?"

"To love you." My face flushes. I would've never expected him to say that.

"W-well..." I hesitate, trying to think of something to say without being as awkward as possible. "don't you wanna go home? It's already kind of late."

"You really aren't gonna do anything...?" He asks, making me a bit confused. Wait, does he want me to make a move?
Oh crap, I was not ready for this.

"Not if you don't want to..." I say, trying not to come off as rude by just suddenly doing something immediately.

"But... w-what if I do?"

"Do you?" I ask.

"...yes." I've never seen him blush so hard, not even from the times I've flirted with him. I don't think I've ever felt this nervous. My chest is pounding and my stomach is turning around, but not in a way in which I would hurl.

I grab his chin and point his face towards mine. I pull down his scarf and lean in. All my nervousness seemed to wash away when I felt his lips on mine. Nothing else matters anymore. Not my past, not the people whom I've met, just John.

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