Just A Friend To You

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Bold is for flashbacks
Italics is for singing
Underline is for a thought

Is there a sadder sight than seeing your straight best friend flirting with you? Yes, it's Michael in the bathroom. Okay, all jokes aside, it really sucks when your best friend is nothing more than a friend to you. I'm pretty sure he likes Eliza anyways. Goddamnit, Alexander, why do you affect me so much? Welp, time to get my extremely saddening ukulele.

Why you always hug me like that
Everytime you see me?
Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings

"Hey, John!" Alex runs up to me and calls my name. "Huh?" I ask, only to be tackle-hugged by him. "Ack, your so tall!" I exclaim as we both laugh on the floor.

I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart

When you say I'm just a friend to you
'Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words I use

"See you later, John!"

"Bye, Alex! I lo- I mean, I'll see ya!"

I say it 'cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you

"Hey, Jacky..."

"Yeah, 'Lex?"

"You know you're my best friend and you mean so much to me, right?"

"Well, yeah."

"Good. I just wanted you to know."

When there's other people around
You never wanna kiss me
You tell me it's too late to hang out
Then you say you miss me

JohnnyBoy: Hey, Alex, do you wanna hang? {a/n: not like that, you bmc sinners}

LexiLion: Sorry, I couldn't right now.

JohnnyBoy: Oh, it's alright.

LexiLion: Though, I miss you. Maybe next time :)

JohnnyBoy: 👍

And I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart

When you say I'm just a friends to you
'Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too
Tryna be careful with the words
I say it 'cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you


It's foolish of me to still want you even if I don't have the chance.




You say I'm just a friend to you
Friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too

JohnnyBoy: Alex, I think I'm sick...

LexiLion: Oml, really?! I'M COMING OVER!

- - - - - -

"Hey, just rest John. I'll be here when you need me."

"Thanks, Lexi." I say as I lay on my bed and he kisses my forehead. Oh, if only that meant something more.

Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it 'cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you...

A friend to you
A friend to you
A friend to you

I hear John singing beautifully, so I decide to go in, I was already gonna visit him anyway since I didn't have time to do so last week. I'm gonna surprise him. I missed him and it was a mistake to neglect hin for a while. He doesn't know how much I love him. Way more than a friend.

"John?" I see him... crying?

"Oh, hey." He sniffed and wiped my tears away.

"Jacky, what happened." I go up to im and hug him tight, like what I always do.


"You were singing a song about someone friend-zoning you... Does that have something to do with you being sad?"

"No shit..."

"Well, who is it?"

"It's stupid..."

"Oh, c'mon. I'm your friend! You can tell me anything."

"Exactly, you're my friend."


"It's you." My eyes widen. Really? I though John was way out of my league. I never thought he would've felt the same way, that's why I always call him my friend. I flirt with him too to try and give hints to him... but that was a mistake since it might seem to him that I don't mean it! Goddamnit, Alex, you're such an awful friend!

John starts talking. "Oh god, you're speechless! I shouldn't have said anything. I'm so stupid! I-If only I
t-tried to stop my feelings towards you then m-maybe you-" I cut him off and kiss the beautiful angel he is. I could tell he was caught off guard, but he kissed back.

"No need to worry, peaches. I love you~"

"As in.. more than a friend?"

"Yep. I loved you since the beginning, honestly."

"W-what about Eliza? I thought you liked her..."

"No, I didn't. It was always you."

"I love you, Lexi."

"I love you, Jackie."

I LOVE this song and wanted to make a story out of it. I would've made an animatic of this, but this is enough.


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