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"Alexander Hamilton has always wanted to be known for his smarts. He wants to reach that goal he always had where he'd be a prodigy like Aaron Burr at King's College. Ever since his family was okay, he still kept on trying to learn but it made him neglect his family a bit until his mother got sick. He's regretted working too hard but he hates working too less as well.

"I don't know, I kind of feel like I have the chance to do work all the time. If I don't, then I'm wasting time in trying to improve." He also had therapy since he did have a bit of unhealthy habits of over-working.

"Why do you always need to try and improve?" The therapist asks.

"I need to work myself to try and be something worth for my family. They did hit rock-bottom. I wasn't good enough for them then, so I should be now." Alexander explains.

"It is good to have a hard-working mindset, but all things are good in moderation. Having too much is actually as bad as you may not think. Having to treat yourself and socialize at least for a little amount of time might help. Plus, it might get you to have companions to help you."

Alex took that advice and stuck with it, and with that he became one of the most known achievers in New York, and even became a humble millionaire. Believe it or not, that all happened when he was still in college, 2nd year. He's moved to a different but decent school in his 3rd year because he didn't feel content in King's. He managed to still have his intelligence, wit and kindness to attract people around him. But like all well-known and respected people, no matter of their attributes, there are still some people who merely think of him as a bastard, whore's son and a worthless orphan. Yes, he was all those things in the past, but it doesn't matter anymore for it is in the past. There is no need to look back at it. He's strived to become a better version of himself. He was hurt, but it did not make him weary."

The presenter at the front of the class bowed and most of us applauded him. The class had to do a presentation about a person who rose up to be better but humble. Luckily, I'm not told to present because I'm a TA (teacher's assistant), The presenter really did pick a good person to share about. Well, he has been told to be absent from the public since he moved from his former school, but nonetheless his achievements were worthy of applaud from his determination.

"Thank you, Kleinman, for that meaningful and inspiring talk. Now that it is the end of the period, you are all dismissed." Mr. Emmett says and the bell rings right after. Everyone rushes out immediately, leaving me and this other student, who's probably in the 3rd year. The teacher approaches me.

"Hey, John, didn't Jared just make a presentation about your crush?" Emmett teases, making me go red. Emmett knew me before he became a teacher so that's why I became his TA, plus he knows I'm trustworthy. We're actually best friends, and he's fresh out of college, so he still acts like a kid.

"Hah, no. I do not have a crush on him. And even if I did, he would be way out of my league." I say, despite being visibly red. Actually, I do kind of like Alexander in a way, despite us never meeting. He's just a celebrity crush, it doesn't mean anything.

"Don't you believe in fate?" He says as I glance at the door. The 3rd year student was by the doorway, looking at me with a confused face and his eyebrow raised, but he eventually left when I looked at him. Huh, that's kind of weird.

"Well, we've never met. Plus, he's all the way in New York, and I'm here in South Caro. It would almost be impossible. And, how the hell would I be able to get a guy that's rich, handsome, and insanely smart?"

"Hm, based on your description of him, I think you do have a crush." He teases even more, making me groan slightly in annoyance. He just laughs a bit.

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