Not Human

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Damn, why are meals so expensive these days? Am I really that broke? I think as I exit the convenient store and suddenly hear someone whimper in a nearby alley. Now, I know it's probably not a good idea to check it out, but fuck it.

"Erm, are you alright?" I say as I go towards a silhouette that's in a crouching position and they seem to be holding an umbrella. It's so dark in the alley that I couldn't see what they look like. They look up at me for a bit and I could see their glowing hazel eyes. Woah, I could just swim in them.

Suddenly, they jump up and grab me by the collar. They're shorter than me, but they definitely are strong.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Are you after me too?" They ask as they point the umbrella towards me.

"What? No, no! I was just wondering if you were alright since I heard you whimpering here." I truthfully say.

They finally let go of me and they apologize.

"Hey, it's alright. You didn't mean to be so fierce. You didn't know." I say as they look down. I could see their face, but I honestly couldn't tell if they're a boy or a girl, but it honestly doesn't matter because they're beautiful.

"Hey, there he is!" I man says with a group behind him. "He's got an ally!"

"C'mon, run." He whispers to me and I follow suit.

"Let's go to my scooter, we'll be faster that way." I say and he nods. We get to my scooter and we ride away from the group of people that are appearantly trying to get him.

"They're still trying to chase us while we're riding a vehicle? Damn, commitment." I say.

"Hey, Alexander, keep going and don't stop, ok?"

"Alright. Wait, how do you know my name?"

"I'm cursed with knowledge." He says as he I see him point his umbrella to the group in my rear mirror. He shoots the people in the group with his... umbrella? Woah, neat. I'm just gonna pretend other people didn't witness that.

We arrive at my apartment.

"Hey, sorry for causing so much trouble." He says to me.

"It's no problem. What's your name, anyway?" I ask as I sit down on the floor of my living room, and does the same.

"John Laurens. I'm not really who you think I am."


"I'm not human. Though, I look like one, but I'm from a different planet. I don't have a gender, but I guess you can call me a guy based on my name. I'm technically stronger than humans."

"Oh... how were you able to get here? Why were those guys chasing you? Why'd you kill them?" I ask with such curiosity.

"Well, I came to Earth because my family was very poor, and I wanted to eat something other than just one meal everyday. Not only that, I was broke. So I decided to live here, but I didn't really think this through so I was a bit lost. Then, a guy offered to take care of me until I'm able to live on my own. I accepted the offer and he was able to give me what I needed, but, it turned into giving him favors for food and water. It turned into me having to kill people. Now, in my planet, we have a natural bloodlust for bad guys, but if they're innocent we wouldn't hurt them. I did what he asked at first since he made them look bad, but once I realized that they weren't, I didn't oblige in killing the people he wanted me to kill because on their behalf, they were innocent, and he just wanted to kill them to make others suffer. I ran away to find another place to stay, but they didn't want me to so they ran after me. I was considered their weapon without me realizing at first."

"Wow..." I simply say. "Do you wanna hang at my place? I could pleasure you." I suggest politely.

"That sounds oddly sexual..." He says as his face flushes.


He giggles at me. "Nah, it's okay, I understand. But are you sure I'm allowed to stay?"

"Of course! You can even live here if you want. I won't take advantage of you, that benefits no one since I won't be able to forgive myself if I did that." I say.

"Aw, thanks, Alex." He wraps his small arms around my neck and hugs me. I hug his waist as well. I wonder what's gonna happen with John around.

I might make a book out of this or leave this on a cliffhanger. Depends on what you guys think.

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