I Won't Say I'm In Love

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"This is kind of cliché." I laugh a bit.

"What, that we're on a balcony in Paris, the city of love?"


"Well, it is a perfect atmosphere for two lovers." I feel a chill down my spine. I look him in the eye and study him. Shoulders relaxed, hair messily placed in a low ponytail but it still looks neat in a way, a small smirk plastered on his face. The glimmering light from the outside shining through the dark-blue of the night, sprinkled on both of us. His white shirt with his black tie not properly tied around his neck, but rather just hanging from neck, not tied around. thereMy head's slightly tilted upwards, just looking at him.

I start to speak up once I realised I was just standing there, staring. "Y-yeah, it is." I lean forward on the railing, looking out in this small city. Lafayette was too kind to invite Hercules, Alexander and I here.

In the corner of my eye, I see Alex lean back on the railing beside me.

"I wonder what Lafayette and Hercules are doing..." I change the subject.

"Oh, you know, doing something in their hotel room." He jokes and smirks at me, making me laugh. We always thought they had something for each other. Wouldn't it be nice to experience love with no hesitance and no bad past with it.

Too bad that's not the case for me. It's come to the point that I'm scared of loving again.

"Heh, when we were still children, they were so in love, and they didn't even know what it was. No doubt they still like each other. Can't believe they're still not together to this day." Alex says.

Alex... You damn bastard. You drew me in anyway. I thought my heart had learned its lesson. I've always exclaimed in my head "Get a grip, boy! Unless you're dying to cry your heart out." Yet, the other voice in my head tells me to give in; that it's okay.

I keep holding back.

"I wonder what keeps them from holding back." He continues to say. "They'll never know that a beautiful relationship might blossom between them if they don't try."

"They can't just keep going to either one of us and gush about the other." I laugh a bit. It's always cute and funny when Laf talks about Herc in such delight and vice versa.

"Hey, aren't you gonna sleep already? It's already getting late." He asks you.

"I'll stay out here for a while..." I say, looking out on the horizon.

"Guess I'll head on my way. See you tomorrow, Jacky." Alex winks at me, leaving me feel weightless.

"Heh, bye." I said back.

I sigh, feeling like I was holding my breath the whole time he was here.

"Hey, Johnny! We bought you some chocolate." Lafayette chirps from behind me. I look back to see Hercules with Lafayette. I smile, seeing two of my friends there. I think I really needed some company.

"Where's Alex? Isn't he with you?" Hercules asks.

"He went." I simply answer.

"Is there something wrong?" Lafayette asks in a concerned manner.

I can't hold it in anymore. "I-I'm scared..."

"Of what? Has someone wronged you? I'll kick there ass." Heh, Hercules is always the over-protective big brother.

"N-no, Herc. I just... I feel weird." I stutter out.

"Are you sick?" Laf asks me.

"No... not that." I say again.

"Then what's wrong, petit?"

"...It's something with Alex." I hesitate, but finally say it. I turn red, probably from the mention of his name.

"You love him, don't you?" Herc says to me as both of them stand either side of me.

"N-no! I won't say I'm in love!" I exclaim, maybe a bit too loudly.

"Did you just quote Hercule—"

"Oh, Johnny boy, you don't have to deny it..." Laf says to me.

"I'm just scared it might happen again..." I say, feeling dread start to come over me.

"John, Alex isn't like Charles and Francis." Herc says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"He's completely different, but in a good way, and you know that." Laf assures me.

"Y-yeah, but that's what I thought with my past romances..." I look down.

"We've all been with him since childhood, why would he suddenly change?" Herc makes a good point.

"Just trust him. We do, so why not you?" Laf says.

"..." I'm stunned, thinking about so many things.

I'm glad I took their advice anyway.
I gave him my heart, and he took it with care.
What Alex said was true. You'll never know that a beautiful relationship might blossom if you don't hold back.

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