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It's like the world is pushing me too him somehow.

"Now, come on, Alexander. I know you've never been in a school, but I promise you'll have a great time and meet good people!" Martha encourages the young boy, who's around 11, but he doesn't feel affected.

"I don't want to be with other people! They'll just waste my time and bring me down. I can learn on my own with books and the internet, and we have that at home." He says, making the whole class hear from the outside, even the teacher. George and Martha Washington feel embarrassed but try to brush it off.

"Alex, I know being independent is good, but sometime people can definitely make your life easier and make you feel like you are complete. And you know, there's always that one person that you could depend on, and they're way more special than a friend, or even a best friend." George explains.

Alex scoffs. "Whenever I meet people, they always go away. Am I that bad?" He asks his foster parents.

"No, you're not. You're amazing." Martha says, hugging the boy and kissing his cheek. George hugs him tight too and pats his head. "Have a great time, son. Don't get into trouble, and be nice." George says.

"I'm not your son." Alex mumbles and the Washingtons leave. Alexander walks through the door, seeing many kids there his age. He immediately feels annoyed. He just wants to read and write alone.

"Hi!" A girl wearing blue says to him with a smile and her cheeks tinted with pink. Alex rolls his eyes and just waves a bit at the girl. She seems upset, but Alex didn't mind. He doesn't wanna be a violent bully, he just wants to be left alone. Just like what his family did to him.

With him sitting there for a while, he was caught of someone's attention. He didn't know why, he wasn't fond of people-watching, but he just did. It was a boy, smaller than him and with shoulder-length curly hair. He would always be around the corner by Alex, and they would acknowledge each other's existence, but they never really communicated. Despite that, it felt like they had a connection. Alex didn't wanna be a part of it, though. He couldn't trust anyone after that incident. Not even his foster parents. He's been very quiet towards them, but he eventually opened up a bit.

He never wanted to lose a loved one again. So, he thought that he shouldn't love anyone else anymore. He didn't feel any remorse about anything, and people around him were concerned, but he didn't care. At such a young age, this is a terrible mindset, but he went through so much trauma that it affected him greatly.

Despite him not wanting to love anymore, his adoptive parents knew he would love someone eventually. They wanted him to. He didn't want to let it happen, but it did, because he met someone just like him. So different, yet they have matching scars.

High School
Alex's POV

History. One of my favorite subjects. Might sound nerdy, but looking at the past and how fucked up people were back then somehow entertains me. Ironic how my past was something I never wanted to look back on, but what we learn in history interests me. Plus, it's a very individual subject. You can just learn this on your own without anyone having to need help from other people. I'm surprised some students in high school are struggling in this subject. High school is actually where the subject gets more interesting.

"Alright, listen up. You are gonna start a project today. It's gonna be a pair work." The teacher announces after his discussion about the Battle of Yorktown, which was actually quite a brief event. Speaking of the teacher, he is actually my adoptive father, George Washington.

Wait, a pair work? God damnit.

"You are gonna draw a clear illustration of the Battle of Yorktown during 1781. It should be on a 1/8 illustration board, with a separate paper with brief explanation of what happened during that batte written on it. Now, the pairs are gonna be..."

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