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"Move it." Alex pushes me into the lockers again and I yelp in pain.

"Hey, John, are you okay?" Lafayette walks up to me and rubs my shoulder that hit the locker.

"I'm okay, but I hope your brother isn't." I glare at Alex, who's a few feet away.

Laf sighs. "I'm sorry on his behalf. I try to talk to him for him to stop, but he won't listen. And, you know, he's not as bad as you think."

"He's literally the most arrogant, inconsiderate, obnoxious and unkind person I've met! He's probably worse than Jefferson, and that's saying a lot." I growl.

"He just doesn't know how to communicate well."

"Well, 'communicate' my ass. I've done nothing wrong to him and he hates me!" I complain.

"That doesn't necessarily mean he hates you right away. What if he's just having a bad day?"

"Well, it must've been like he's been in a bad mood since I came here." I was new in this school last year and he teased me a lot. Then, he started being a bit more physical.

Laf sighs again before speaking. "I guess you have a point there. I'll try to talk to him. See you later, petite."

"See ya, Laf. Thanks."

"Aucun problème."


I heard about what John said to Lafayette, and I immediately felt guilty. The only reason why I act mean to him is because Aaron and Lee tease me for not picking on him AND I don't know how to talk to him! It's a bit stressful. I wish I could be on good terms with John, but I'm not sure if he'd like me. I've had a crush on him since he came to our school but my 'friends' were suddenly picking on him, so I joined in. If only I didn't do so.

"Hey, Leon?"

"What do you need, Laf?"

"I saw you stalking John when he went to the bus stop. Don't deny it."

I blush in embarrassment. "S-so? What about it, huh?"

"Tell the truth, Alexandre. Do you like him? If so, why do tease him so much? I'm not mad, I just want answers."

"Well, duh! Of course you want answers so that you can tell John himself and make him think less of me!"

"Non, I won't tell. I'll just give you some advice."

I sigh in defeat. "Fine."

"Very well, so spill." He simply says.

"I like John ever since he came here and I didn't know how to talk to him but since our popular peers were teasing him, I did it as well." I look down, guilty at what I've done.

"But, why?" Laf asks.

"I-I didn't know what to do! I thought that he wouldn't ever notice me so I just thought of being his 'bully' so he could just witness me being there."

"If you do that, he will see you but in a bad way! Do you really want that?"

"N-non." I respond.

"So, just talk to him! It's not that hard. I can help you. He is my close friend after all."

"W-what? Nonononononononono! It's embarrassing!"

"It's not. Just be your usual, charming, witty self." Laf smiles. Maybe he's right...

"Huh... d'accord. I'll try."

"Good! Wait, should I warn John?"

"Oh, no need."


*time skiIiIiIiIiIiIiIp*



The bell rang! I grab my stuff and make my way out but someone grabs and pulls my arm, making me bump into their chest. Ugh, they're so ta- ALEX?!

I step back quickly, blushing madly for some reason. "W-what do you want...?" I look away, feeling nervous. Okay, I know I should trust Laf for not telling Alex what I feel about him, but something tells me Alexander knows EXACTLY what I said about him. It's possible since Laf could very easily tell him, but I'm somewhat certain he wouldn't.

I feel a bit uneasy, with Alex suddenly holding me by the waist and his face close to mine. I look away.

He grabs me chin and turns my head in his direction. "Face me when I try to catch your attention."

Why does my face feels hot?

"O-okay... Um, a-are you trying to say something t-to me?" I stutter.

"Yes." He steps back, making me feel more relaxed. "I- um,"

For the very first time, I see him with a loss of words. His face is a bit pink as well. It's like I'm seeing a different side of him.

"Hello??" I wave my hand in front of him.

"I'm fine, it's just... do you mean what you said?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know... the things you said about me...?"

"Well, fuck me." I mutter sarcastically.

"I totally would." He mutters back.

I turn red. "N-not like that! I-I mean, who told you?"

"I heard it myself." He simply says.

"Stalker." I mutter.

"No, I'm not! Answer the question." He demands.

"I- uh- well, yeah... I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I should've gave you the benefit of the doubt an-"

"No, no, it's okay. It's just that... I wanna apologize."

"You? Apologizing to me? That seems unlikely." I cross my arms.

"No, seriously. I-I'm sorry." He rubs his arm and looks down. "And, I really like you. I don't know why I picked on you in the first place. It was stupid of me. Can you forgive me?"

My eyes widen. He likes me?

"Well, of course I'll forgive you. But, did you really mean what you said to me in the past?"

"Of course not! I-It was foolish of me to say things like that and call you names."

"It's alright. I forgive you anyway."

"Are we on good terms now?" He asks.

"Yes." I smile at him.

"You're smile is nice."


"You heard me."

"Well, thanks." I turn pink, and look away. "Oh, by the way..." I trail off.


"I like you too."

Oops, this was bad. I didn't really have a decent idea about it and I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected.


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