The Flower We Saw That Day

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This is inspired from an anime called Anohana (It's super good but also super sad and I cried :c)

Alexander is Jintan

John is Menma

Eliza is Anaru

Lafayette is Yukiatsu

Angelica is Tsuruko

Hercules is Poppo

Peggy is Satoshi (Menma's younger brother)

Huge spoilers to the last episode btw. If you can't be bothered, then continue reading.

Alex's POV

I was hanging out with the 'Super Peace Busters' along with John, though they couldn't really see him. The name may sound cringey, but we didn't bother to change the name because it was made when we were still kids, and when John... died. Our childhood was one of the best times we had, especially when John was still there. They were just talking about more random stuff that happened while we were separated, but I wasn't really listening. When I was supposedly supposed to be in high school, John was visible to me but was invisible to everyone else.


I was cooking some ramen, minding my own business, until I heard a familiar voice.

"Wow! It smells so good in hear and I'm starving." someone whines. Wait, who the hell are they?

I turn around to see a small boy sitting on a chair near the dining table with curly hair tied into a low ponytail, freckles on his cheeks, and green eyes that just drew me in. He looked around my age but his figure is very small. They didn't seem to pay attention to me, but I was shook from the sight of him.

"J-John..?" I stutter. I don't know if I should feel happy or scared out of my mind. I've missed him so much; he's the reason why I didn't go to school and why I couldn't sleep sometimes. He still looks the same from when he was alive and when we were little but with longer hair.

He turns to me. "Alex, oh my god!" John says as he runs up to me and hugs me, wrapping his small arms around my neck. I hug his waist and hold him tightly.

"Why are you here? You died! I'm so surprised." I say.

"What, are you not happy to see me?" he jokes as I shake my head, as if to say no.

"I've wanted to see you for so long.. but, I don't know why I'm here with you." He pulls away from the hug, looking down to the floor. I hold his chin up to look at me.

"Seems like you have a desired wish that you never fulfilled so, you're here, but why with me? What's your wish anyway?" I ask, looking in his eyes. My god, I'm still as helpless as before.

John awkwardly chuckles. "I honestly don't remember... I probably made it when the Super Peace Busters were still around. Speaking of them, are they still here? I really want to see them!"

"Well, no, but I could call them up. I heard that Hercules just came back from the Philippines and Angelica and Lafayette live together now as buds. Eliza just lives around here and gives me some school work."

"Oh." John simply says. We then hear the doorbell ring. I go up to the door and get it, followed by John.

I open the door to see Eliza.

John gasps and says "Liz!" and hugs her.

"Woah, my shoulder feel heavy all of a sudden. Anyway, here's your homework." Um, how come she couldn't she see John?

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