At First Sight, All of a Sudden

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"Ow!" A young sophomore yelps in pain as Thomas Jefferson pushes him into his own locker.

"Hah, you cute little slut." Thomas says to the boy and just leaves.

This stuff isn't new around here. I don't even feel any remorse from it. Everyone knows me as the smart kid but the cold-hearted one. Girls try to flirt with me, but I don't react the same way. I'm kind of like a bully as well, but I don't speak my mind the way most bullies do, that's just stupid. I just don't want to be messed with. Everyone else who I loved left me already, so why love anymore? The past really does change you.

Well, that's what I thought.

I suddenly feel the urge to help this sophomore. I walk up to him and offer him a hand. He grabs it and I help him up.
Wow, his hand fits so perfectly in mine. W-wait, what the hell? That's a bit weird to think.

"U-uh, thanks." He says to me, not even looking at my face, and leaves. I try to say something but I don't want to bother them any more. He seems shy, but it's cute anyway. Huh, never thought I would ever think that about someone.

Ugh, school is wracking my brain right now. Even if I'm acing every subject every time, it's still tiring.

"Hi, Alex!" Eliza chirps in my face. Ugh, not this again.

"Eliza, not now." I say in a monotone voice, which seemed to upset her. I really don't care right now.

"Aw, c'mon Lexi. Want to hang out with me later? I could treat you— w-wait, Alex!" In the middle of her speaking, I start to walk away. I can't stand her annoying voice any longer. Same with her sisters.

"Hey, nerd!" I look toward the figure who shouted that and suddenly I was grabbed by the neck and pinned to the wall. The hover their fist over my face. Welp, time to die. Thank God, I was waiting for this.

"Look, you bitch. No one talks to Eliza like that!" The jock starts to repeatedly punch me in the face then stops after a while. Hah, weak. I only got a bloody nose.

Aw shit, there's a lot of blood. I try to catch the dripping of the blood to not let it drop on the ground. It's no big deal.

"A-alex! Oh God, I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you—" Eliza tries to offer me her handkerchief but I decline.

"Eliza, just fucking leave me alone. I got this." I'm starting to get annoyed. Am I that much of a dick? Don't care.

Eliza pouts, giving me a sad look. I just walk passed her.

What the fuck? I missed the damn bus! Ugh, the next one is until 8pm. Might as well walk. It's not that far.

As I start to walk home, I notice someone a few feet away from my side walking in the same direction as me. I turn my gaze to the person next to me. Oh, it's that little sophomore. A few inches shorter than me, and has a slender frame. Huh, I wonder if he eats that much. Nice curly hair, messily tied into a low ponytail with a few stray curls on his face. So many freckles on his face and even arms, yet still adorable. Does he have them everywhere? I wonder if I even get to find out...

W-what the hell? Why is my nose bleeding again?!

The boy must've seen me. Shit, well this is embarrassing.

"Hey, you're nose is bleeding. Do you have anything to clean that up with?" He asks.

"No. Mind if I borrow something?" He nods and gives me a handkerchief. I press it against my nostrils to stop it from getting everywhere on my face.

"How did that happen anyway?" He asks me and I decide if I'm gonna say 'I was thinking of you' or 'oh, nothing.' Both seem bad either way.

"Um, it just happened so suddenly, I guess. I wasn't really doing anything." Ugh, my voice sucks. So raspy and low. Why am I suddenly taking account of it?

"Heh, it happens." He says finally.

I glance at him for a bit and see his flushed face. Honestly, I think that made my face go pink too. Man, I am being weird today. Why feel like my stomach is turning all of a sudden? I don't wanna hurl, it actually feels good in an odd way. Oh shit, I'm still staring at him. God, he must think I'm a weird pedo or something (even if I am just a year higher than him) I instantly turn my gaze away once I realise I was acting strange. I don't even know their name. Yet, it already feels like they did me a big favour.

And why do I suddenly want to be with him for the rest of my life...?

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