Masquerade Ball

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Did I spell it right? Idk how this thing works, so please bare with me if it's wrong 😅

(Inspired by Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil)

"~John's POV~"

Alex and I were just sitting on the couch in his house, eating nachos and listening to some tunes on the radio, just buds being buds, when we hear the window open.

"AH!" We scream and we're met by the sight of Francis... my ex?!

"Francis, what are you doing here?! And also, why'd you come in through the window?" I say, irritated.

"Didn't I always use to go in through the window?" He says with an annoying smirk on his face.

"You know each other?" Alex asks me, clearly as annoyed as I am.

"Yeah, uh... he was my... ex." I reply, looking down.

"So, John," Francis begins, walking over to me and pushing Alex aside, "I came here to invite you to a masquerade ball."

"A masque- what?" Alex and I blurt out at the same time.

"Masquerade ball. Anyway, will you be my date?" He asks me, expecting a reply, while I just turn my head and frown.

"Oh, c'mon, baby. This ball only happens once in 5 years, and we're finally old enough to go!" He says excitedly, picking me up bridal-style.

I get out of his arms. "We. Broke. Up. Period."

"Now, I know the reason why you broke up with me is because I was taking things too fast and have anger issues, but don't worry, I'm a better person now."

"Huh?" I hum in confusion.

"I haven't been angry about something in 7 months, I have a little kitten to keep me calm and think about the good things," he shows me a little kitten in his bag. "and I have a best mate who keeps me from losing my cool."

"Ooh..." I coo in awe. I pet the kitten he's holding. He puts it back in his bag, though.

"So, what do you say?" He holds out his hand, only for it to be slapped back by Alex.

I gasp a bit in shock. "Uh, Alex, I don't think you were supposed to do that."

"What? Do this?" He slaps Francis again, only this time in the face. Francis looks like he's about to burst.

"Uh oh..." I mutter. Francis' best mate coincidentally comes up and tries to calm Francis down. And, he finally does.

He clears his throat a bit. "Sorry about that. Jack, why would you have that peasant with you? I'd honestly be pretty concerned for you if you're dating him." Fran asks, pointing at Alexander.

"You calling me a peasant?" Alex looks like he's about to throw hands, but I stop him. "It's not worth it." I whisper to him. "And, we aren't dating." I say to Francis.

"Well then, John, if you accept my offer and want to go to the ball, just press this button on this remote" he passes me a remote "and it'll call up your driver, ok?" I simply nod. "I expect to see you there." He grabs my hand kisses my hand and goes back down.

"Ew." I say and wipe my hand on my shirt to where he kissed it.

"How does that remote even do that." I hear Alex mutter to himself and he then turns to me.

"You aren't going, are you? He seems evil." Alex says to me.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. It seems like fun."

"But- oh, come on, at least let me go with you."

"Sorry, Lexi, you weren't invited. Plus, I'm pretty sure Franny there will be a little cranky if you come along." I giggle and accidentally snort.

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