I love art, coffee, and you-

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ok wtf why am i like this-

Also, there's nothing wrong with a teeny bit of fem John, amirite?

John's POV >>==}♡

Staying in my house when my father is there is a big no no for me, so when he's usually drunk, I just go outside to the park to draw birds and listen to some throwbacks or whatever. It's not a big deal or anything; I just wanna be alone.

I hum the song Birds and draw some actual birds I see around me on a little bench in a park. It's the perfect place to stay where it's quiet, calm and still. I could actually have a conversation with someone here sometimes, but it's kind of rare and I never start it. Sometimes children are running around, playing and yelling, but it doesn't seem to bother me, with some adults watching them, they either seem like pedos or they're parents/guardians. While I concentrate on my drawing, I notice someone sit down beside me. Though, I don't mind.

"Aaand, I'm done." I mumble as I sign the bottom of the paper where I drew a sleeping owlet in a tree.

"Cute." The person beside me says while he looks and smirks at me and then looks at my sketchbook.

"Oh, um, thank you." I say as I look at them and look down, but once I saw the man I just had to have a double take.

"And you're drawing's cool too." The man smirks and I blush madly. I honestly thought he said the drawing was cute. Is he hitting on me...? On purpose? I hide my red face in my scarf and mutter "thanks", though it's muffled by my mouth being covered.
I hear the guy chuckle and gaze at the horizon. I secretly look at him and take a drink from my coffee cup.

Holy shit, I'm so gay. God dammit, Peggs was right.

Here I am, staring, without noticing it and drawing something I'm not even minding.

He looks back at me but I quickly avert my gaze to my sketchbook. I didn't even realize I drew the guy! I don't even know his name! Oh god, it's gonna look super creepy and it's gonna be all awkward and-

"Hey, that's amazing! Mind if I take a picture of it?" He asks as he looks at the paper in awe.

I nervously chuckle. "Well, you could keep the drawing if you'd like."

"If you don't mind." He says. I sign the paper with my name and carefully remove it from the sketchbook and hand it to him. "Sorry if you thought it was weird and creepy of me to draw you or something..." I say shyly, looking away.

"It's alright, I think it's sweet." I can't help but blush. "You blush a lot, it's adorable." He says and I nervously laugh.


"Hey, thanks for giving this to me. I appreciate it." He says to me.

"No problem." I reply, smiling.

"Hey, do you mind if I get to know you more?" He suddenly asks after a short amount of calm silence.

"Not at all. Um, my name's John Laurens. I'm a male, believe it or not." I mumble the last part and he just chuckles while I laugh along with im for a bit. "And I'm actually home schooled."

"Woah, you're kind of lucky."

"Well, to be honest, it's kind of lonely." I say, frowning a bit as I look down to the ground.

"Hey, it's alright. I mean, you could just meet other people and make friends outside of the house, right?" He asks, trying to cheer me up. Aw, that's sweet.

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