Stupid With Love

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They're in France now since I wanted to change the scenery a bit. It's kind of like Miraculous where John is like Marinette and Alex is like Adrien but they really aren't. They won't have their superpowers. John's house is the same as Marinette's, downstairs is the bakery and upstairs is the rest of the house with the balcony on top.

John and Alex don't know how to talk to each other, so they ask help from their buddies!

"I think I met an angel on Earth, Laf! John's got beautiful green eyes, perfect curly hair and adorable freckles that are lightly dusted on his face and arms. I wanna know if he has them everywher-"

"Ah, don't think about it, Alexandre." Lafayette scolds me and I laugh nervously, blushing madly with the thought of Laurens... ya know... na-

"Anyway, he's so gentle and calming to be with. I feel so warm and light inside when he's around. His personality is what caught my attention as well. I heard that one time, he helped Jefferson, the biggest bitch in the school, in trying to make him and Madison make up from their fight! I wouldn't have the ability to do that. But, oh boy, he did wayyy more than just help out a person who doesn't deserve it." I rant more and more about John. I do so while looking at him talking to Hercules on another table in the cafeteria.

"Well, how come I don't see you two talk often?" He asks.

"Um.. I have this assumption that he's afraid of me. I don't know, he just freaks out a bit when I'm around. He doesn't act negatively, but he's always nervous. I'm just smart with math but stupid with love, to be honest. I wish I could talk to him properly."

"Do you want me to ask help from Hercules to set you guys up-"

"Oui!" I say, determined. I take another glance at John.

The Frenchman chuckles. "Mon Dieu, Alex. You're so-"

"-lovestruck." Hercules tells me and chuckles.

"Alexander's just so amazing, Herc! He has swoopy hair and shiny brown eyes that I could swim in. Even the bags under his eyes that show up sometimes make him look more hot than he already is! He's so confident, strong, handsome, intelligent, charming, witty, and he won't hesitate to throw hands with a person who he doesn't like and annoys him. I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty cool. As you already know, it's pretty difficult for me to say no to people at certain times."

"Well, why don't you just talk to him?" He asks.

"It's not that easy, Herc! I act all Marinette when she sees Adrien! I basically turn to mush when he's around." I complain.

"Do you want me to ask help from Lafayette to set you guys up?" Herc suggests. My eyes widen.

"Uh, yes! I mean, no- um.. maybe?? Ugh, I don't know!" I rest my chin on the table.

"Oh, c'mon, John. It's not that difficult. Just try not to be someone you aren't while talking to him, okay? I'm pretty sure he's gonna like you for you." He smiles at me and pats my head.

I sigh. "I hope so. Thanks for the advice, horsey." He glares at me for calling him 'horsey'.

"No prob, turtle." He smirks and I glare at him for calling me 'turtle' and look over at Alex's table where his brother, Lafayette, is with him. I notice Alex was staring at me for a while so I looked away and blushed. Goddamnit, why do I have to be so shy? I'm just so stupid with love. I just don't get it...


"Bonjour, Herc! Alex kept on rambling about John again earlier."

"Hey, Laf. John kept on talking about Alex too."

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