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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next morning I get a wake-up call from my alarm clock. I hate that sound in the morning, but Miley and I need to get up this early, so she can shower without anybody seeing her. Nobody knows her real name or how she looks like. I get up and walk over to Miley's side of the room.
,,Miley?" I ask her and she only stirs. ,,Sorry Miley, but we need to go to the public showers before anybody else is there." I say and shake her body.
,,What time is it?" She asks me.
,,5 AM."
,,What?! You're crazy! Are you really thinking that I will get up that early?"
,,But Miley, if you will go later, somebody might recognize you. You can't shower with a wig."
,,Ugh, you're right." She only says and gets up. ,,Where are those showers?"
,,I have no idea, we have to look." Miley rolls her eyes.
,,I guess this is the consequences of being the famous Miley Stewart huh?"
,,I'm sorry Miley, but your father hired me and I'm going to do my job and protect you. We have to be careful. If our enemy knows you're here, everyone we know will be in danger."
,,Well, let's shower and be back in here before anybody else wakes up." I nod and grab our towels. I hold Miley back for a second while opening our door. Carefully I look in the hallway if somebody is already awake, but it's empty and quiet. Good! I gesture for Miley to follow me. She walks close behind me and I make sure that every corner is save until we arrive at the public showers. When I locked the door, so nobody can enter, Miley steps into one of the showers and let the water run. I'm staying focused on the door, even tho it's locked. ,,You can shower too, you know?" I look at Miley. ,,Beca, nobody can come in. You locked the door, I'm not in danger right now." That's true and my body immediately relaxes, while I take off my clothes and get under the shower next to Miley. The warm water falls like rain over my naked body and I make sure my hair gets wet too, so I can wash it. Relaxation is taking over my body and for a few moments, I forget the mission. My thoughts are standing still, no danger is nearby.
,,Are there any activities you saw online that you liked?" I ask Miley. I did my research at the company, but I'm wondering if Miley wants to join a group on campus.
,,I love to sing, but I don't think it's a good idea to join."
,,Why not? If you like to sing."
,,Isn't that dangerous? I mean, the Barden Bellas are an INTERNATIONAL group, which means they will be touring around the world. What if our enemy watches the news and sees me in that group?"
,,You're smart, I didn't think about that." I hear her sigh. ,,But maybe you can join, without going on those tours?"
,,I don't know how it works."
,,If you will apply to the Barden Bellas, I have to apply too because I have to protect you." Miley starts laughing.
,,I don't think those girls will form a treat."
,,You never know Miley, but leave that to me. I won't let a treat live, most of the time. If somebody hurt you, they will die. It's really simple actually."
,,Have you ever killed someone?" Now Miley starts to ask personal questions.
,,I did, but I will tell you another time okay?" I stop my shower and walk out of the shower at the same time Miley does.
,,Is it difficult to talk about it?"
,,Yeah, it isn't a nice story," I say and can feel tears prick in my eyes, just to think about that moment. ,,but that's a story for later. We need to get back before someone sees you without the blonde hair." Miley nod. Both of us change into the clothes we brought with us and run back to our dorm room, where Miley put on her wig just before there's a knock.
,,Who's that?" Miley asks me, but I already hold my gun, while slowly walking to the door. With a lot of force, I open the door and hold the gun in front of me.
,,Jesus Beca!" Connor. I grab his collar and pull him inside.
,,What are you doing here?!"
,,You already forgot our appointment huh?" I look over to Miley and back to Connor.
,,What the hell are you talking about?"
,,Well, yesterday we agreed to this. I would come here every morning around 6:30 AM, so we can protect Miley both." And he shows me his phone. That's right! I did make that appointment. Connor is my partner and that's why we must protect Miley together.
,,Oh yeah, I remember now!" I say. ,,Nobody followed you?" Connor shakes his head. ,,Are you sure?"
,,Yes Beca, nobody followed me. I am here by myself right?"
,,I'm sorry Connor, but we can't take this lightly. We have a job to do and I'm the best. I can't screw this up okay?!"
,,Hey, I get it. Don't worry, you won't screw it up."
,,How do you know that?! We both know I screwed it up before, remember that day when we lost Sara?" 
,,Sara's death wasn't your fault!"
,,Yes it was because I could've saved her!"
,,Beca, who's Sara?" Miley looks at me, but I don't want to talk about it, so I just wipe away the tears that were falling and force a smile.
,,I'll tell you some other time, now we need to go and pretend to be students." I open the door and walk out of it, followed by Miley and Connor.

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