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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next afternoon I sit on the grass, working on my laptop. I'm making a mashup from Pink and Eminem, two of Sara's favorite artists. I know she wanted to listen to this if she was alive right now, but because she isn't alive anymore I need somebody else to rate it. Oh, maybe Chloe wants to listen to it and rate it. We have been together all week, watching movies and series on Netflix. I had a great time with her, but I can't let the little feelings I have for her get stronger. I might be having a little crush on her but I can't help it. She's so nice, sweet and careful. Chloe made me laugh for hours every night and I can't remember having laughed so hard since Sara's death. I just have to put the beat in well and then I'm done. I move the mouse and put the beat on the video clip. Perfect! Well, I think... 

Suddenly I see movement on my right side and Jesse walks up to me, carrying a duffle bag. He takes a seat and makes himself at home. Sure, you can sit next to me! He lays down a bath towel. On it, he puts two juice boxes, an ugly candle and a can of Pringles.

,,What's all this?" I ask him.

,,As much as I love spending time with you at the radio station. And I do, like, more than life. I thought we could do other fun things that wouldn't make us want to kill ourselves." Keep talking like this and I will kill you! Jesse pulls out a stack of DVDs from his duffle. ,,Up, Slumdog, Breakfast Club, Star Wars and Rocky. Best scored and sound-tracked movies of all time." I raise my eyebrow at him. He's a movie dork, damn I can kill him in a second! ,,That's what I want to do when I grow up." When he grows up? Is he fucking kidding me? What is he supposed to be right now? A stupid kid? ,,Score movies. Bring people to tears. Blow people's minds. Only music can do that."

,,Wow. You must sweep your girlfriend off her feet." It's a sarcastic comment, but Jesse thinks I really mean it and answer the question honestly.

,,I don't have a girlfriend." Shocker! I roll my eyes for a quick moment. I think I should play along.

,,What? But you have juice boxes and Rocky!" I pretend to be surprised.

,,Okay. Fair enough. Not all of us can be Luke. Man, that guy looks great in a fedora." Wow, for somebody who claims not to be gay, he sounds pretty gay right now.

,,Luke gets under your skin, huh?"

,,I don't like how much cooler he thinks he is than me. Even if he is, in fact, much cooler than me." That's something you're right about. If I had to choose between you or Luke, it would definitely be Luke! Jesse holds up a DVD. ,,What do you want to watch first?" I look through the DVDs and furrow my brow.

,,Uhm...maybe we could do something else like talk about our feelings or go to the gynecologist?"

,,What, you don't like movies?" I shrug. Only with Chloe by my side. ,,Any movie?"

,,I watched a porno at a high school party once. The music was okay if you're big into sax solos -" Jesse stops me right away.

,,What is wrong with you? Not liking movies is like not liking... shapes!" Wtf dude, don't use that tone at me! I'll kill you in your sleep!

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