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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


After our morning routine, Miley and I are walking to the library. Connor has found information about Patrick. I just hope he isn't here, because then I have to take care of him and the inside mole. I still can't believe that anyone wants to work for Patrick and be a Bella, but that's their assignment.

,,Do I still need to wear this wig?"

,,Of course, we can't risk that anyone recognizes you."

,,But everybody has a day off. All teachers have a meeting with the board. Every class is dismissed, nobody is walking around."

,,We have to be careful, Miley. I know it's a lot of pressure for all of us, but we don't have a choice."

,,You shouldn't call me Miley you know. If Chloe walks in right now, she knows I lied."

,,True story, but you are going to be a Bella. That's the most important thing right now."

,,I'm not a Bella just yet."

,,You will be." I look up and see Connor walking over to us.

,,Beca, you're not going to believe this." He starts and sits across from me. ,,We don't just have that mole in the bellas, but there are more pawns from Patrick here in Atlanta."

,,What?! Where are they?"

,,All over the place."

,,Do they know Miley is here?"

,,Not yet, but they will find out eventually."

,,Well, did you found some pawn of him already?"

,,Yes, in fact, I did."

,,Tell me and I will take care of it."

,,I will send you the location through Whatsapp." Connor grabs his phone and not long after that, I feel my phone vibrating. I stand up with a lot of speed, which causes my chair to hit the floor with a bang. Immediately the librarian tells me to be quiet, but I ignore her. ,,Be careful, Beca."

,,I'm always being careful. Don't worry about me." I say and run out of the library, but don't come far because somebody bumps into me. I manage to stay on my feet, unlike the person who bumped into me. I don't have time to help him or her and begin to run further, well that's until I hear her voice.

,,Ouch, my hand." I turn around and see Chloe get up slowly. I know I should get that pawn of Patrick, but something inside of me tells me to stay with her and take care of her. I can take care of that pawn later on, so I walk back to her.

,,Let me take care of that." I say and she looks at me.

,,Oh no, I don't want to hold you up. You are clearly in a rush."

,,No, you probably have a bruised hand because of me."

,,Don't worry, I only have a cut." She shows me her hand and I indeed see a cut in her palm.

,,What did you hold?"

,,Nothing, I just tried to catch my papers when they fell."

,,So a paper cut huh?"

,,Yeah, but you don't have to take care of me."

,,I don't have to, but I will. Come." I grab her hand and feel a little spark through my body. I know Chloe has something that attracts me, but I need to get to know her better to understand how strong it is and if it can turn into love. I pull her with me to my dorm room and let her sit on my bed, while I grab my EHBO kit. I grab her wounded hand carefully and start binding it. I carefully tie a knot in it and feel her eyes on me.

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