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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,So how are things going with Patrick?" Connor asks me the next afternoon. We're out of school and in our hidden gym. Luckily nobody knows this location, so we won't be afraid that someone might hear us.

,,They're looking for Miley in the Philippines as far as I know."

,,The Philippines? How did they come up with that idea?"

,,It was my idea. I eliminated some pawn of Patrick and before I snapped his neck he told Patrick we were in the Philippines."

,,Clever move, but why kill the guy? He helped you right?"

,,Yeah, but he threatened Chloe and Amy as well. I couldn't let that happen."

,,Chloe huh?" Connor smirks.

,,Oh, come on! Chloe and Amy are innocent human beings and we have to protect everyone who is vulnerable."

,,Do you think they need our protection?"

,,I do. If Patrick finds out that we tricked him, he will search for us and kill everyone that we care about."

,,So you do care about Chloe!"

,,I think so. Look, I know our bargain. I won't try anything, you know I am a woman of my words. I just don't want Chloe or anybody to get hurt, because of us."

,,Well maybe it's not a bad idea to protect them, but then you need to apply to the Barden Bellas as well."

,,Apply to what now?"

,,Don't pretend you don't know about the Barden Bellas. We talked about it on Monday. You know Chloe and some other girl are the captains of that singing group."

,,Connor, I don't sing."

,,You know that's not true. I've heard you sing before and you have a good voice. Think about it, it's a perfect opportunity for you to protect Chloe."

,,Yeah, not going to happen. Well applying to the singing group is not going to happen, but the protection will happen. I don't let anyone hurt Chloe or Amy." I walk to our training system. ,,Now, let's train. We need to be strong for the fight up ahead." Connor nods and takes off his shirt just like I do while following my lead on the training device. We keep going up and down for an hour before we stop to drink some water.

,,Are you going to the vanity fair tomorrow?" Connor looks at me while taking a sip from his water.

,,I don't think so."

,,I think you should, just to keep an eye at Chloe and Amy. You can apply to one of the groups on campus or just talking to your fellow students."

,,What's the point of doing that? We are here for a reason. We need to protect Miley."

,,Well, Miley wants to go." Now I spit out my water.

,,What?! All by herself?"

,,She said she wanted to get to know her fellow students."

,,She isn't going alone! Doesn't she get it? We are ordered to protect her and if she's going alone, she's an easy target to anyone who wants to do her wrong!"

,,Well, then you might want to tag along with us. So you can protect her."

,,And where will you be?"

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