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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next afternoon, I sit down on the grass in the schoolyard. This is actually the first time that I can relax a bit, after trying to find information about Patrick and his pawns. I'm glad he doesn't know we're here and that we have time to plan everything until he finds us. I just have to remain calm. I've killed again, while I promised Connor to cut down on killing. There are four people who know what happened to Sara now and I just hope I can trust them. Amy is close friends with Aubrey and Chloe and I will hurt her badly if she ever tells another person. Emily for the other hand is a shy girl who desperately wants to be friends with everyone. She wouldn't dare to cross me. I scan the squad, noticing some guys are playing with a frisbee. Next to them, a group of science nerds is enjoying studying. And there's that group who uses drugs, who find it funny to run in circles. 

I sigh deeply while putting my headphones on my ears and laying down on my back. Which song do I want to listen to? I search through all my songs and stop at 'Blow me one last kiss' from Pink. That was Sara's favorite song and I can't get enough of the song, just to remember singing Sara to this with her friend at her old High school. Sara was always the one who loved to perform and to sing. I always watched her performances and enjoyed every song that she did. I close my eyes while dreaming off. 

I walk through the big school halls at Sara's school. It's full of students who can't see me. I know this is my dream, but I wished I could speak in this dream. 

,,Alex!" I turn around and see Sara running to her best friend. ,,We can do audition!"

,,Are you sure?" 

,,Yeah, and then you can ask the part of Rizzo." I know this part. This was the day that Sara and her friend Alex auditioned for a part in the school musical of Grease. Sara obviously wanted the part of Sandy and Alex of Rizzo. I don't remember the final part tho, because after the performance I had to go. Something I regret forever. I pull out my hand and try to touch Sara, but my hand goes through her body. Because I'm in the dream world, I can't touch her. While I fight the tears that are threatening to fall, I follow and listen to their conversation.

,,How about your family?" Alex asks Sara and she giggles a little. This is the part when she tells Alex that I'm her only family and my heart will melt.

,,Beca is my family. My father can drop dead and I don't care. He treated Beca so badly that I can kill him right now, but I won't." She was always the one who could hold me back from killing. 

,,And will she be here?"

,,Of course, she promised me to be here. I think she's already in the auditorium right now, so should we start?" Alex nod and they start to sing. The image quickly changes and now I'm standing inside the auditorium, watching my old self waiting for Sara. They come in not long after that while singing and I don't think my smile is been bigger than right now.

My older self gets up after their final words and leaves the room, but I'm staying where I am. I need to know if she got the part or not. 

,,That had more energy than the last three auditions combined." Says one of the jury.

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