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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


A/N: Sorry that I post at 17:40 PM instead of the timer of 15:00 PM, but I had to rush my dog to the vet. I hope you guys still like this chapter...


Chloe's point of view
The next morning all the girls are gathering at the rehearsal room. Well everyone, except Beca. I really miss her. She has read my messages but didn't react to them. I want to tell her that I have removed my nodes but if she isn't around, I can't tell her anything. Is she away on purpose? She told me that it's dangerous to hang out with her, so is she staying away from me with that as the main reason? We give each other high fives and give congratulations. That we could go through is because of Beca. She makes us better and I will tell Aubrey that! Amy picks everyone up, squeezing us a little too hard.
,,The aca-gods have looked down on us and given us a second chance." Aubrey tells us and smiles.
,,Shalom!" Yells Amy.
,,Let's get working." Aubrey starts to give us the setlist. Now is the time to tell her! I sigh a little.
,,I texted Beca." I let her know.
,,You did what?!" She looks at me shocked.
,,She makes us better."
,,That's not an opinion for you to have, Chloe."
,,Why? Because it's not yours? You're not always right, you know." The other girls react, sensing the tension between us.
,,So what now?" Amy asks Aubrey.
,,We win without her." Aubrey blows the pitch pipe and we start.

Hours later we stop and I'm really frustrated, just like the other girls. I'm really tired. This isn't a normal practice. Aubrey is been really bossy and stubborn. I wish she could see things through our eyes for once. I see that Aubrey is starting to get angry.
,,Okay, what's happening to us? Chloe, you sound like you smoke three packs a day." Excuse me?! I look at her while crossing my arms. ,, Stacie, you're behind on the choreography. And Jessica and Ashley, it's like you haven't even been around all year!" Jessica and Ashley, look at each other and shrug.
,,Aubrey, give us a break. It's not the same when we're not all here." Yeah, Beca should be with us!
,,We need Beca." Cynthia-Rose tells Aubrey now and the other girls agree.
,,Maybe if Aubrey loosened up the reins -" I start, but Aubrey doesn't appreciate that.
,,Shut it, Chloe!"
,,Whoa. If Beca was here right now and heard you talk to Chloe like that, well you couldn't stand on your feet anymore." Says Emily and I look at her. What does that even mean?
,,I'm sorry that was rude. Chloe, could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat." My mouth falls literally open. She did not say that to me. I'm her best friend! What would Beca have done if she had heard her say this? Beca... Where are you?
,, I joined this group so I could hang with a bunch of broads I thought I could trust. But this is some horseshit. What's that smell? It stinks everywhere. I don't want to be like the old Bellas." Amy says and sits down on the chairs.
,,Yeah!" Cynthia-Rose agrees with Amy. ,,I want to be who we are now." I should say something now! I walk past Aubrey, but not without saying what's on my mind.
,,We should have listened to Beca."
,,Oh, so it's my fault."
,,No, that's not what I'm saying."
,,Well that's what you're all thinking, right? That I'm the jerk. That I'm the girl obsessed with winning!" Aubrey recoils and covers her mouth. I just roll my eyes. I've been through this, so I know what's coming. The other girl tries to stay behind me.
,,Aubrey, you're too controlling! And it's going to ruin all of us." It feels really good, to be honest for once.
,,Hey, I can lose control if I want to! I can let go! This time I'm not going to choke it down!" Aubrey puts her hand on her stomach and digs deep.
,,Been there before - wait, what are you talking about?" Stacie is confused, but as I said before, I know what's coming.
,,I think she's gonna hurl!" Yells Cynthia-Rose and backs away a little. Aubrey hurls all over the floor. I nod my head. I knew this was coming! I start clapping.
,,Come on, bring it! You can do better than that." Amy starts to tell 'enough' and I wait patiently for Aubrey to finish. When she's done, I become mad. ,,We could have been champions!" I start to run after Aubrey and try to grab the pitch pipe. ,,Give me the pipe, you bitch!"
,,Never!" Amy tries to break us up by picking up Aubrey. Suddenly someone starts to blow on a whistle, but I'm too focused on getting that pitch pipe. Aubrey let the pitch pipe drop on the ground. This is my chance! I jump on the ground to grab it, but Aubrey does the same thing at the same time. Neither of us can grab it tho. Amy jumps on us, but I don't care. I need to grab that pitch pipe!

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