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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,I hope you all remember the way you feel right now so you will never want to feel this way again." We all mutter a 'sorry' while walking away from the travesty that just happened. Our performance was stupid and they just kicked us out. ,,And Chloe, your voice did not sound Aguilerian at all." Don't put your frustration out on Chloe, serpent! I still don't know why I'm protecting Chloe so much, but something about her wants me to protect her.

,,How are we gonna pay for Regionals?" I ask Aubrey, to put the conversation away from Chloe and it works.

,,Well a bikini car wash is out of the question..." She says while looking over to me and Amy.

,,I'll give up my body for a good cause." Amy tells Aubrey.

,,Think, Aubrey, think." Aubrey tells herself. ,,Maybe we could start a singing telegram business. Thoughts, Chloe?" I look over to Chloe who still stares off into space. ,,Chloe! For serious, what is wrong with you?" I have noticed that Chloe act strange for a week now.

,,I have nodes!" She says and everyone startles. What are those? I don't understand what she's talking about?

,,What? Oh my god!" We all turn towards Chloe.

,,I just found out this morning."

,,What are nodes?" Now Chloe and Aubrey both look at me if I'm crazy.

,,Vocal Nodules. The rubbing together of your vocal cords at above-average rates without proper lubrication." Okay, I don't understand a single thing that just came out of her mouth.

,,They sit on your windpipe and crush your dreams." The sadness of Chloe's face melts my heart.

,,Isn't that painful? Why would you keep performing?"

,,Because I love to sing." Now Stacie steps forward a little and looks at me.

,,It's like when my lady doctor told me not to have sex for six weeks and I did it anyway."

,,You should really listen to your doctor." Amy says and I point to her, to let Stacie know I agree with Amy.

,,The key is an early diagnosis. I'm living with nodes. I'm a survivor. I just have to pull back because I'm limited. Because I have nodes." Wow, a little dramatic don't you think?!

,,Don't be so dramatic." I say and Aubrey looks at me.

,,You need to do laps next practice."


,,Yeah, you just hurt Chloe's feelings." I look over to Chloe.

,,I did?" She nods for a second.

,,A little bit." She says honestly and looks down.

,,I'm sorry." I say and now Amy looks at me surprisingly. I know what she's thinking. Normally I never apologize to anyone. Chloe smiles to me and that's the only thing that matters to me, weirdly enough.

,,Let's go grab some drinks at the café." Propose Jessica, what causes Aubrey to look at her angry.

,,It's not the time to celebrate that awful performance with drinks. We need to practice!"

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