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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next day Connor and I have an appointment with one of his old partners. Connor told me that he's one of the best and that I need to practice my catching skills. Connor thinks I'm getting slower and I can't have that. I really love to spend time with Emily tho and because she knows everything, I need to protect her too. If Patrick or one of his pawns finds out that she knows something, they can kidnap her or kill her. I enter the house and a guy looks at me.

,,Who the hell are you?!" He yells at me, while he grabs a knife. 

,,I'm Beca Mitchell and my partner Connor called you."

,,Oh you're the girl who needs practice." 

,,And there you're wrong. I don't need practice, I'm fast and experienced."

,,We will see about that." He grabs more knives and I prepare myself. Think about Sara and what happened to her. If you're angry, you can catch those knives!  I try to concentrate on the situation, but notice that I'm not thinking strong enough when he let go of the knife and it falls to the ground. ,,I thought you said you didn't need any practice, but you were wrong."
,,I wasn't wrong, I just need to think about something that really makes me mad."
,,Well I would start thinking about that because I'm not going to stop." And another knife comes my way. I quickly take a step aside, so it won't hit me. ,,You're not focused!" He starts to yell now. ,,You need to focus."
,,Don't you think I know that?"
,,What do you want to think about? Maybe I can help you by getting mad. It's the only way for you to catch those knives."
,,I'm not going to tell you about what happened to her!"
,,So you lost someone huh? Was it your fault?"
,,Some might say no, but I do feel responsible."
,,Ah, so you're blaming yourself, interesting."
,,What's interesting about that?"
,,Well then you'll do anything to avenge her and trying to have peace with her death."
,,I can never have peace with her death! She was everything to me and -" I get interrupted by a knife coming my way. What the heck?! Is he seriously throwing knives to me without any warning?! Think about Sara, Beca! And this time it's working and I grab the knife before it can hit my head. Not long after that, another knife is coming my way, but now closer to my throat. I grab the knife very quickly and look towards the guy.
,,This is what I want to see!" He says and smiles. I smirk and throw the knife I'm holding in my left hand towards the knife I'm holding into my right hand so that I have one hand free to catch the next knife.
,,Bring it on." I say and he starts laughing while throwing the knife to me. I follow the knife with my eyes and grab the knife really fast. I don't think anybody could have seen me grabbing the knife. It went very fast!
,,You're really fast." Says the guy and smiles. ,,Connor can be happy to have you as his partner."
,,Thank you, uhm..." I haven't gotten his name, so I can't thank him personally.
,,Kevin." He pulls out his hand and I shake his hand.
,,Nice to meet you." I sit down on a chair. ,,So, how exactly do you know Connor?"
,,Connor helped me kill the guy who murdered my son."
,,Oh, my god I'm so sorry."
,,It was years ago, but every year on his birthday I'm not going outside and just stay inside and grief. It might sound stupid, but I just don't feel like celebrating."
,,That's not stupid. I have the same thing on October 4th. On that day I just want to be alone."
,,So you lost someone too huh?"
,,Yeah, unfortunately." I swallow to stop the tears.
,,Did you lose that person a long time ago?"
,,No, it happened two years ago." Kevin put his hand on my shoulder.
,,I'm sorry for your loss. Nobody should ever lose anyone, but life can be unpredictable sometimes." I know he's right, but Sara's death wasn't unpredictable. She wouldn't have died if I hadn't asked her to come.
,,I have to get back now," I start while wiping away some tears. ,,thank you for the lesson and maybe we can train another time." Kevin nods and I walk back to Barden University.

,,There you are!" Miley immediately pulls me into a hug, while standing side by side with Chloe, Amy, Stacie, and Emily. ,,Where were you?" Okay, remember that she's Hannah now. Don't call her Miley!
,,I needed some practice, Hannah."
,,What kind of practice?" Chloe looks at me and her blue eyes hypnotize me once again.
,,Just some practice to keep me focused." I'm not even lying. Without those practices, Connor and I will be distracted and that can't happen. We have to kill Patrick and everyone who tries to kill Miley, Amy or Chloe. Luckily I have Amy and Emily on my side.
,,You're one big mystery huh?" I see a little disappointment on her face now.
,,Why do you say that?"
,,Because all I've been trying for almost two weeks now is to get to know you, but you keep your distance."
,,If you want to get to know me, you just had to ask."
,,Okay, what do you say about getting to know each other this afternoon?"
,,Deal. Don't worry Chloe, you won't be disappointed." I say and give her a wink. I can see her blush a little and smirk. Despite she's in a relationship, I let her blush. I wonder if that moron ever gives her compliments.
,,What about us?" Amy, Stacie, and Emily look at me with a slight hurt in their eyes.
,,Come to my room tonight and we play some game."
,,Truth or dare!" Is the only thing Stacie yells immediately.
,,No way!" Miley says and I get what she's saying. If Stacie comes into our room she will know that she's the daughter of the president.
,,Stupid idea of me," I say while looking over to Miley. ,,you can't come to our room."
,,What? Why not?" Stacie and Chloe both look at me with raised eyebrows.
,,Because it can't. Look I do agree on hanging out, but not in our room."
,,You understand that we have a lot of questions now right?" They obviously don't understand.
,,I won't explain. Trust me it's for your own safety." I look to Amy and Emily and they nod while trying to walk away with Chloe and Aubrey, but Chloe doesn't buy it.
,,What do you mean our own safety?" Damn, she's nosy! I'm happy when Connor interrupts our conversation.
,,Beca, Amy, Emily and Hannah, you need to come with me right now." He says and my guard is up immediately. I say goodbye to Stacie and Chloe and leave them probably with too many questions. When we are in a place where nobody can hear us, I turn to Connor.
,,Connor, what's wrong?"
,,We have a mole."
,,What?! Where?"
,,Inside the Barden Bellas. If you want to keep your friends safe, you have to do an audition for the Bellas Beca."
,,I don't think so. I won't sing in public and you know that. Isn't there another way?"
,,Yeah there is, but you're going to like it. The other option is to tell all of them what you are and who Hannah really is. They can believe you or not."
,,If I tell them, the mole will know too right?"
,,Yes, and that will put them even more in danger." Damnit, it looks like I don't have a choice.
,,Can I think about it?"
,,Yes, but remember how longer you aren't there to eliminate that mole, how longer your friends are in serious danger." I sigh and rub my forehead. I can't believe this. I really don't want to be in some lame acapella group, but I don't want the Bellas to be in danger. Especially Chloe, Amy, Stacie, and Emily, because they've been on my side. Well, Chloe and Stacie don't know about Patrick or the inside mole, but I can't protect them if they are in danger from the inside and I'm not a Bella too. Damn, I'm not sure if I can think of another solution.
,,We will do an audition too, Beca." Says Emily to reassure me.
,,That will mean a lot to me, but I really need to think about it."
,,Well, you only have a few days to decide, because -"
,,I know Connor, the longer I wait, the more Chloe is in danger." Now they all look at me with smirking faces. ,,What?"
,,Only Chloe or the other girls too?" Now I can feel my cheeks begin to burn and I know I blush a little.
,,Do you like her?" Amy ask me and I know I can't lie.
,,I can't deny she's gorgeous and sweet, but I don't know her. I can't start a relationship and we all know why not. If it's love I'm feeling towards her, I will distance myself from her."
,,You deserve to be happy with someone, Beca." Emily says and I just nod.
,,I know I can be happy with someone, only after we defeated Patrick and his pawns. I can't risk getting any girl into danger by dating her. I can't control myself when I'm angry."
,,How many guys did you kill already?"
,,Too much to count, Emily. So you shouldn't be on the wrong side or against me, because I don't have a problem killing girls."
,,Let me guess, you killed girls too?" I can only nod to that question.
,,Damn girl, I really shouldn't do anything to make you mad," start Amy. ,,I know a little self-defense myself, but I haven't killed anyone yet."
,,What do you mean? Are you an assassin too?" I look at her surprised.
,,No, let's say my father isn't the sweetest." Okay weird. I smile slightly and grab my phone to check on the time.
,,Well, it was nice to talk to you but we have to go to our classes." I say and pull Miley with me.
,,Think about it Beca, otherwise, you can bury your friends." Connor says and I just nod. What to do? I don't want to be a Barden Bella, but I can't risk Chloe or any other girl get killed!

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