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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next morning when I wake up, I see that Miley is already awake.
,,You're up early," I say while opening my eyes. ,,did you have plans today?"
,,Yes, I'm going to do audition for the Bellas." Now I sit upright.
,,Come on Beca, I know you don't want to do audition alone. I can help you find the mole."
,,I won't allow you to do that. You're putting a target on your back. If the mol knows who you are, they will tell Patrick and then he will come to kill you."
,,Then we have to make sure nobody will recognize me."
,,No, it's too much of a risk. Sorry Miley, but I need to keep you safe. I can't let you do that."
,,But I want to help."
,,If you really mean that, you need to stay low. I know it isn't ideal, but it's for your own safety." I hear her sigh and she sits down on her bed, while I grab my towel, shampoo, and conditioner.
,,Okay, I'm sorry for suggesting. I'm staying low." Miley says and follows me to the showers, where fortunately nobody is at this hour, just like every morning.

When we are back in our dorm room, Connor walks in.
,,Have you thought about the auditions?"
,,No, but Miley wanted to do an audition. I told her that she couldn't and -"
,,Wow, wait! Why can't she do that? It's a really good opportunity."
,,You really think so?" Miley looks to him.
,,Yeah, because Beca has to do the same to keep you safe. Think about it Beca. You wanted to protect Emily, Chloe and Amy too right?" I nod. ,,Well if you're a Bella, you'll be with them every day! Nobody can catch or hurt them when you're close and you know that too."
,,Yeah but it's a big risk."
,,Life is full of risks, but you have to take a risk now and then. I'll be close, so whenever you need me just text or call me." I turn to Miley.
,,You really want to do an audition?"
,,Yeah, I love to sing and I need a good cover, right? Come on Beca, I already wear a wig and changed my name. Can you please let me do this for myself? I will be forever thankful!"
,,Fine, but I'll come with you."
,,You're going to do an audition too?"
,,What? No! I only go with you to protect you, to make sure nobody will recognize you or hurt you. I'm your bodyguard and it's my job to protect you."
,,I hope that you can see me as a friend someday."
,,Do you want me to think that way about you?"
,,Yes. Now it looks like I'm a subject, but I'm a person and I need friends, no bodyguards or people who're treating me differently because I'm the president's daughter."
,,I try to be your friend, but even as your friend I need to protect you."
,,Yeah, but as my friend, you're allowed to let loose and have fun. Be a student."
,,I haven't been a normal student since I joined the league of assassins."
,,Then we have a new goal for this year. We're going to live as students, be a part of a team, date, drink, have sex... just everything, no regrets, just having fun."
,,We have an agreement. No relationship on the job, but I can do the rest." I say and she gives me a hug.
,,Thank you, Beca." Is what she says while holding me. I just look over to Connor who put up his thumbs. He knows we have to keep Miley satisfied and right now she's happy.
,,You're welcome." I say and release her. ,,I'm going to the radio station on campus, when do you want to do an audition?"
,,There's one tomorrow and one next week."
,,Two days of auditions?"
,,Yeah, but I thought about going tomorrow." I nod and grab the keys while walking to the radio station.

When I arrive at the station, there aren't many people in there. I like the silence and already think this will be my place to think about every move I make from now on because I'll make some stupid or wrong decisions. Miley really wants to sing and it isn't fair that she has to hide her talent, but it's safer if she doesn't sing in an international acapella group.
,,Hello." I hear suddenly and just look up for a quick second. A guy walks by, but I don't think he has seen me looking because I can look at somebody without them noticing. Let's say observation is a skill I learned at the assassins league. ,,You aren't a talker huh?" He asks me while looking at me.
,,Not to strangers."
,,Well let me introduce myself. I'm Jesse."
,,Beca, but I can't talk right now. So if you don't mind." But that doesn't shut him up.

,,So... Luke's attractive. Excellent bone structure, full head of hair, fancy undershirt."

,,I'm not interested in him."

,,Well Beca," he says while walking behind my back to my other side. ,,then it's a good thing you met me because we're going to be best friends or lovers." I look up to him.
,,Definitely not the last one."
,,Aw why not?"
,,I'm not looking for a relationship."
,,But that doesn't explain why you don't want to date me."
,,Dude, you just said that Luke was attractive so you must be gay."

,,I'm not."

,,You are still in the closet huh? Pathetic."

,,I'm not gay, in fact, I was hoping for us to start something."

,,Can you stop hitting on me? You just said one sentence to me and you're already expecting that we're going to end up together?"
,,I could try, right? I mean, you're a good looking girl and I'm pretty sure every guy with eyes wants to take you out on a date."

,,You know, I didn't think you could find a way to be less attractive to me, but congrats, you just did."

,,Ha! You're terrific. Just wait. You'll go squidgy and drape yourself all over me. It'll be fun, you'll see."

,,I don't want to date boys."
,,Hmm, interesting."
,,What's so interesting about that?"
,,I never had a girl who preferred girls over boys."
,,Well get used to it, because I'll trade you for any girl."
,,Have you met the girls on campus?"
,,In fact, I have. Not all of them, but some."
,,So do you have a girlfriend?"
,,No Jesse, I'm still single. But my mind isn't focused on getting a girlfriend soon. I'm busy with more important things."
,,What's more important than a smoking hot girlfriend who you can fuck every night?"
,,Dude, what the fuck?! You are sounding just like some dude I almost killed at the beginning of this week."
,,Wait you were the girl who has beaten the crap out of Tom?!"
,,You know him?"
,,Yes, he used to be my best friend."
,,Well he still has an influence on you."
,,Because what you just said. Girls don't exist for sex. Sex is only a part of love. Girls aren't some sort of trophy that you collect, you need to treat them with respect."
,,I had a girlfriend once, but I never saw her as a trophy. I know Tom is clueless sometimes when it comes to woman, but I'm sure he treats Chloe with respect."
,,It didn't look that way to me when I saw them together and by the way, Tom was terrified of me." Now Jesse looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
,,Tom and terrified? That sounds unlikely. He is the captain of the football team and so he trains a lot."
,,I train more than that whimp and I really did almost killed him last week." Jesse starts laughing but stops when I don't laugh with him.
,,Oh you were serious?"
,,Yeah and if I ever see him close to Hannah again, I'll finish him."
,,I don't think Chloe would like you to kill her boyfriend."
,,That's another thing I don't understand. How can someone as pretty as Chloe falls for him? He's a player, who sees a woman as his trophy."
,,He wasn't always like this."
,,I don't believe that moron has a heart. The way he treats Chloe is fucked up."
,,Wait, do you have a crush on her or something?"
,,What?! No!"
,,Lucky for you because Tom will kill you if you took Chloe away from him." Now I just laugh at his comment.
,,Haha, don't make me laugh." I walk a little closer to him while making eye contact and give him a serious look. ,,I can kill people without anyone noticing."
,,Really?" I nod because I tell the truth. ,,What are you? Some kind of ninja?"
,,Close." I say and look at the time. ,, Sorry, I have to go now. Hannah and Connor are waiting for me. Nice chat, Jesse." He nods and I walk out of that room. I definitely left him curious. I just hope he doesn't investigate and finds out about Miley. How few people know, the safer everybody is at this university and the better I can do my job. The most important task is to kill Patrick and his pawns, nothing else and I know I'm going to succeed.

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