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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her, and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


Chloe's point of view•
It's spring break and I haven't heard from Beca for days. I'm worried about her. I know she isn't a part of the Bellas anymore, but that hasn't changed my feelings for her. I like her a lot and I never felt so close to anyone before. Not even for Chicago and we were very happy. I have sent Beca several messages, but she isn't reacting. Where is she? Did something happen to her? Aubrey walks in and looks at me seriously.
,,You have come very close to Beca."
,,I know, but she's very nice, I like her."
,,You like her? I did not know you had a thing for girls who have tattoos and monstrosities on their ears."
,,I did not say that I like her in that way!"
,,Seriously? So why do you smile whenever you have a message? Even when we're having lunch, you seem to be looking for her."
,,I know I do that but I care about her a lot."
,,I'm just telling you to be careful. How much do you even know about her?"
,,Not that much, but she's harmless."
,,You don't know that!" I startle from her outburst. She sighs. ,,Look, I don't want you to get hurt. Remember what happened with Chicago?"
,,Bree, stop. She wouldn't do it. I trust her."
,,Then where is she?"
,,I don't know. She left us when you yelled at her! I can't believe you did that. What she did was really talented."
,,She broke the rules."
,,She only wanted to save our performance."
,,Chloe we didn't get through. We lost because of what she did."
,,No, think about it -" But I can't say anything else because of her phone that starts ringing. She answers it.
This is Aubrey Posen. She probably gets some good news because she smiles and remains poised. Thank you, sir. I look forward to seeing you at Lincoln Center. She hangs up and then jumps up and down.
,,Hell yes!"
,,What happened?"
,,We got back into the game. We are a finalist!"
,,Are you serious?" She nods and I smile. ,,That's amazing! You should call the others!" Aubrey nods and walks away with her phone against her ear. I have to tell Beca! I grab my phone and open Whatsapp.
Chloe 🐞: Hi Becs. I'm sorry to bother you again and you probably won't read this, but I just wanted to let you know that the Bellas are back in the game. I would appreciate it if you could help us out. What you did at the semi-finals was amazing, maybe you could do something similar in the finals? Please text me back, I miss you! 😢
,,Who are you texting?" I startle by Aubrey who walks over to me again.
,,No one important." I lie. I know I shouldn't lie, but Aubrey is already mad at Beca. She wouldn't be happy to hear I texted her.
,,Whatever you say. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the other Bellas to discuss what we will do."
,,Take some rest and don't be late!"
,,I won't." And after that, she leaves my room. I look back at the unread messages and sigh while falling down on my bed. Beca where are you?!

•Beca's point of view•
Before spring break, when I left the Bellas, Mike send some punishers my way and they tortured me. They binded my hands while punching and kicking me against my body until blood came out of my mouth. I'm used to it, so it didn't hurt very much but a visit from the punishers isn't a fun time. I could've gone back to Barden a day after that but choose not to because of Chloe, Miley and the Bellas. I don't think they wanted to see the bruises, so I stayed at the safe house for the whole spring break with my phone turned off. Today I'm having another meeting with Mike.
,,So, you're saying you don't have any new information about the mole?"
,,No, I told you that it's difficult. I haven't even met Eloise yet."
,,Beca, this mission is important. You don't go to Barden to have a life as a teenager, I sent you there to get information and to hide Miley from Patrick."
,,Well it's hard to find someone when you don't send me enough information about that mole!"
,,You have to do your job!"
,,That's what I'm doing."
,,Really? Because it's taking you longer than I thought. I'm not interested in you singing in a group. What about Chloe? Did she told you things about her mother already?"
,,Do you have any idea how hard it is for her to talk about that? I'm not going to act like an asshole just because you're desperate. Mike, you have to trust me."
,,I want to trust you, but you haven't given me anything, you need to do your fucking job or I have to send those punishers to your friends at Barden!"
,,I don't think you want to do that."
,,Why wouldn't I? I'm your boss and you have to do what I tell you."
,,Do you have more information about the mole? A picture?"
,,I have sent you a picture of every Bella. You should've known by now. You're lazy and slow!" That's it! I charge forward and holds him in a neck clamp.
,,Take that back! You know you haven't got anyone like me. Ever since Sara died, I've done everything you asked of me. I killed a countless amount of people and you still haven't given me a break. I'm the best in what we're doing here and you still have the guts to test me?!"
,,Yes." And he presses some button. He's really going to test me right now?! I grab a fighting stick and stand in the fighting position. ,,Beca, I forgive this little argument. We'll meet each other again in four days. If you want to protect that pathetic group of friends, I would not disappoint me." He says and walks out of the room. The two guys who need to hold me back fail and I walk out of the room into the hallway, near the exit of the house. Six guys are lurching forward to attack me, but they should know better. I duck away from the first attack, but I don't get a break because the second one already storms to me. He tries to fight me, but I avoid that attack too. I keep going until the six guys that block my way are unconscious.
,,Well that was easy." I say and drop the fighting stick while walking out of the house. I take a deep breath and grab my phone. I turn it back on and startle from all the messages and missed calls I have. Mostly from Chloe. I ignore them for now. It's important to have distance from her before she gets hurt. I should practice more because I feel good! I hold my hand up in the air to hold a taxi. When I get in, I look out of the window. Mike is looking at me with a smirk and sends me a message.
Mike 🕴: Remember what I do if you don't do what I want you to do! I want information about Eloise or your friends will have a target on their back! Say hi to your pretty redhead for me 😏

Mike 🕴: Remember what I do if you don't do what I want you to do! I want information about Eloise or your friends will have a target on their back! Say hi to your pretty redhead for me 😏

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I startle when I see the pictures

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I startle when I see the pictures. He was at all of that? At the vanity fair, the riff-off and the performance at the ICCA's? How could he be there, I haven't seen him! I feel that I'm getting mad. Maybe I'm not as good as I think I am. Mike was close to Chloe and I couldn't protect her! Maybe I need help. I look out of the window again and see Barden University appear. I pay the taxi driver and walk straight to the radio station. When I know I'm safe inside I lock the door and close all the windows. I lean against the door and feel I can breathe again. I look at my phone and decide to look at Chloe's messages.
Chloe 😍: Becs, I'm sorry about Aubrey. Are you okay?

Chloe 😍: Becs? I'm sure Aubrey didn't mean what she said. Can you please text me back?

Chloe 😍: Okay I understand if you don't want to talk to me. I messed up by not defending you. Can you please forgive me?

Chloe 😍: Becs? Where are you? I have looked for days now and you are nowhere to find! Call me!

Chloe 😍: Okay now I'm really worried. Nobody has seen you, where are you?

Chloe 😍: You aren't even reading my messages anymore 😭

Chloe 😍: I get it. You don't want to talk to me again. I won't bother you again.
A tear escapes my eyes when I read those messages. She's blaming herself but Aubrey made me leave. It's not even about the bellas. I'm doing this to protect Chloe, Miley and the Bellas. Mike has pictures and knows where they are. One wrong move and they're dead! I really fucked up. The last message I received was from this afternoon.
Chloe 😍: Hi Becs. I'm sorry to bother you again and you probably won't read this, but I just wanted to let you know that the Bellas are back in the game. I would appreciate it if you could help us out. What you did at the semi-finals was amazing, maybe you could do something similar in the finals? Please text me back, I miss you! 😢
I shut down my phone again and sit behind Luke's DJ equipment. I put on some headphones and start working. What do I have to do? If I go back to the Bellas, I risk all their lives but if I'm not going Mike will kill me! Ugh, sometimes I hate my job!

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