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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,She's really good." James tells me when we're sitting in the front row of the show.

,,She's amazing." I reply when I look at Sara who's playing the piano while singing a song. I can't be more proud of her right now. There's a smile on my face, as big as the Chinese Wall. I haven't heard this song before and Sara always let me hear her songs before performing, but right now I don't mind, because she's awesome. Her eyes find mine and she smiles at me. Our lives are a mess sometimes, but we always have each other's back and that's enough. As long as we have each other, nobody can tear us apart.

The song ends and her nervous laugh comes on, while she leaves the stage. I get up and walk to the backstage area, after which I pull her into a hug.

,,You were amazing up there, like always."

,,Thank you Becs, but I won't be doing it long."

,,Why not?"

,,Tony has to close."

,,Yes for tonight, but tomorrow you can perform again."

,,No, because he's closing forever."

,,What?!" My anger starts rising because this job means the world to Sara.

,,Calm down, it's okay."

,,No it's not. You love this job and now you are losing the one job that makes you human."

,,I know, but there will be more performances."

,,Are you sure?"

,,Yes, after our next mission I will find a new job as good as this one."

,,If you say so." Sara gives m another hug and we leave the scene.

I shoot up, my pajama stuck to my body with all the sweat stuck on my body. It's nice to see Sara in my dreams, but I hate the sweat. Every morning I have to hang out my bedding, so the sweat that's on it can drip of outside. I look over to Miley who's awake already.

,,Morning." She says when she sees me awake.

,,You're up already?" I ask her.

,,Yeah, I'm used to the early showers by now. We're here for two months already."

,,True, I just had a dream about Sara."

,,You okay?"

,,I think so. I miss her every day, but I can't bring her back."

,,You're allowed to cry."

,,I know, but I don't have time to cry. Sometimes when I listen to ABBA, I cry my eyes out because Sara loved their songs."

,,Oh that's right! The auditions are today, are you ready?"

,,I wished that I didn't have to do this, but Sara would tell me to do it."

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