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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


And here we are. The Bellas and I are standing at the wings next to Benji, who wears a P.A.'s headset and a Barden Performing Arts Center jacket. It's the semi-finals and Aubrey is losing it a little. She wants everything to go right. On stage, the footnotes are rocking out on 'blame it on the boogie' from the Jackson 5. We have to change the set, otherwise, we'll lose because the footnotes are really good.
,,Five minutes, Bellas." Benji tells us, but most of the girls are captivated by the performance of the footnotes.
,,Where did he come from?" Stacie asks curiously.
,,It's over. The season's over. We can't beat the footnotes and the Trebles." No, not with our lame setlist. If we change it, we have a chance but I know Aubrey will never change it.
,,I wonder where they get their vests made." Aubrey turns to me, and notice that I'm hatching a plan. She doesn't asks questions tho.
,,Aca-huddle! Now!" Everyone gathers around. ,,The top two teams go to the finals. We just have to beat one of them. If we do it exactly as we rehearsed, we'll get there." No, we're not! Aubrey looks only to me now. ,,Exactly the same." The footnotes finish their performance and we got called up the stage. We start exactly the same as before, only now I watch the audience. They're dozing off! I need to do something. Think Beca, think! My eyes bounce from the low-energy audience to the judges and back to the audience. I need to do it now if I want to do something! No chance to come back to my decision! And when Aubry continues to sing 'the sign', I pipe in with La Roux's, 'Bulletproof'. It matches perfectly! Aubrey shoots me a look, but I don't care. My mash-up revitalizes the audience. The judges lean forward. They are loving it. Then the song goes over into the old routine again, but I'm satisfied. I finish the song with the other Bellas and walk with them backstage when we're done.

A/N: Please don't mind the comments of Gail and John. It's about the performance but I can't find just the performance on YouTube.

,,What the hell, Beca. Were you trying to screw us up?" A furious Aubrey walks up to me, followed by the others, who seem very quiet.
,,Are you serious?"
,,Yeah, newsflash this isn't the Beca show!" I hear something behind my back, but I already know who is standing behind me. I've been trained to see everything around me in two seconds. Stay out of this, Trebles! This is something between Aubrey and me!
,,Hey, I'm sorry that I messed you up." Not really... ,,But in case you hadn't noticed everyone pretty much dozed off during our set!"
,,It's not up to you to decide what we do and when we do it. Why don't you ask the rest of the group how they felt about your little improvisation?" I immediately look towards Chloe, but she doesn't say anything. Wow, thanks Chlo. I thought you were my best friend. We know each other for almost a whole school year now... I take my gaze away from Chloe and look at Amy.
,,Yeah it was cool and all, but I guess it sorta took us a little by surprise." The other girls mumble reluctant agreement.
,,A lot by surprise." She looks a little to Chloe and then back to me. ,,Chloe, I told you she wasn't a bella!"
,,Aubrey, don't -"
,,No, that's okay." I look at her. ,,You don't have to pretend you got something to say in this group, right?"
,,Your attitude sucks, you're a great pain in the ass and I know there's something going on between you and Jesse." Is she nuts? I will never have a relationship with him. Fact number one, he's a guy and secondly, I have a major crush on Chloe. I think Jesse heard his name because he crosses over and chimes in.
,,Wow Aubrey, calm down. There's nothing going on between us." I'm really frustrated right now. Not only because Chloe didn't defend me and that hurts but also because Jesse is everywhere where I am! I turn around.
,,Jesus Christ, that's perfect. Of course, you are here right now. You are always trying to help me! I don't need your help, okay? Can you back off?!" Jesse doesn't get the chance to say something because of Benji.
,,Trebles? Time to bring the pain." That's their cue to perform. The Trebles head for the door and I look back to Aubrey and the girls.
,,You know, if this is what I get for trying... I'm done!" I tear off my scars and walk away from them. Benji tries to stop me, but I keep on walking.

,,Everything okay?" Luke asks me when I arrive at the party he's at.
,,Yeah, I'm just done with those girls." Luke nods, then turns to the bouncer.
,,She's with me." He takes me inside the garage, where the party is held. He gives me a beer and we're standing close to each other.
,,I can't believe how much time I wasted on that silly acapella shit!"
,,Maybe it's good you're done with that." I agree with Luke and point to the DJ booth.
,,Yeah, I'd rather be up there anyway. This music is dope!"
,,You have good taste. And you're talented. Your mash-ups are really good."
,,Well, do you want to meet her?"
,,The DJ."
,,Oh, I don't want to disturb her."
,,No, that's okay." Luke leads me across the floor and waves up to the DJ who flirts back.
,,You know her?"
,,Yeah, she's my girlfriend. I'm sure I mentioned her before."
,,No." Sorry Jesse, but I guess your crush is taken. We take a seat in the lounge, off the dance floor.
,,Hey, spring break, at the station. Take the night shift. Play your own stuff. Whatever you want. The place is all yours, Becky."
,,Really?" He nods. ,,Thanks. You know my name's actually Beca."
,,My name. It's Beca, not Becky."
,,That's weird. You're working with me for such a long time. Why didn't you say something?"
,,I don't know." Because you can't know too much about me. If you look up my last name, everyone will see the horror I've done. The killing, the kidnapping, the hurt... Everything. ,,Hey, why'd you finally decide to play my music?"
,,I listened to it and I thought it was solid. Plus, Jesse wouldn't stop bothering me about it. That kid is relentless." Jesse did this for me? Why? I mean, it's not like we can have a relationship. ,, Alright, I'm gonna go introduce you to my girlfriend now. You up for that?" I nod and he brings me to Riley. ,,Riley, this is Beca. She wants to be a DJ, just like you and she's really great."
,,Hi, nice to meet you." She holds out her hand and I shake it. ,,You're working with Luke at the station right?"
,,Yeah, I'm grateful that he gave me a chance."
,,He's really sweet." Riley and Luke starting to kiss each other. Okay, awkward. I look around and notice that I'm alone once again. Maybe this is good. Maybe I need to stay alone for the rest of the year. I never find that mole or information about Eloise. There has to be another way. Then suddenly my phone goes off.
Beca Mitchell, tell me you didn't quit the Bellas! He yells at me through the phone.
I did. I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed the get out. There must be another way to - I look around. Not here! I flee the scene and go into an empty room. Tell me there is another way to find information about that mole or Eloise.
No, this is your only chance. I need you to come over right now before I release the punishers at your friends! What, no! I left the group, but I won't let them be killed.
Where do I have to meet you?
That's the Beca I know. Meet me at the safe house in one hour!
I'll be there.
I hang up on Mike and turn back to the party. I find Luke and tell him I need to go somewhere. He doesn't question me, like Chloe or the girl would do and I leave the scene. I call a cab and get in.
,,To 265 Marchand Court Northwest." I tell the driver and he drives away. I look at the window, passing by the knowing world. I'm in so much trouble! I really crossed Mike and I know I will pay for that. It's probably for the best that the Bellas won't see me for a while.

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