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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


Beca's point of view•
The next morning Connor, Miley and I are at Barden University. Miley her brown hair is covered with her blonde wig, just to be sure no enemy will recognize her. Connor is with us because he is my partner. Not sexually because I'm gay, but purely for work. Miley, Connor and I will be together every day, but that's only because Connor and I have a job to do. We can't lose focus, so we promised each other not to date, flirt or have one night stands. The last promise counts more for Connor than for me, but still.
,,I'm sorry you guys have to do this for me." Says Miley while we're walking towards the schoolyard.
,,Hey, somebody threatens to kill you. Your father is trying to protect you and you can't be any safer than with us," starts Connor. ,,Beca is the best bodyguard ever. She is even better than me, despite my trained body."
,,No offense, but Beca also trains a lot and has a sixpack too."
,,I know she has, she trains with me." I just roll my eyes. I know I train a lot, but I have to. Phantomeyes isn't a light job. I had to be fit, to succeed every mission the league was sending us to.  
,,Well I am glad that you guys want to help me out. I can't do this on my own. I just wished I was as strong as you guys are."
,,You want to defend yourself?"
,,Yes. I've had several bodyguards before and I just wished I could defend myself, so I don't need a bodyguard anymore."
,,I can teach you some skills if you want."
,,Really?" Miley looks at me.
,,Yeah of course. Connor and I are going to train every day, so you can come with us sometime if you want. But it's going to be hard."
,,It would be great if you want to train me, Beca." I smile. I'm glad I can help her out. I just need to hold myself back. Everyone in the league knows how I fight and that I won't be merciful. We look around in the schoolyard, where a lot of students are enjoying their time together. Maybe this isn't so bad. I mean, no one will ever think about going undercover at a university, I think this was a clever move. Suddenly somebody bumps into Miley, which causes her to almost trip and loses her wig.
,,Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" We hear a girl ask us, but Connor already has the girl firmly held with a neck clamp. But that's what you get when you've been trained by the league of assassins. I see Miley quickly grab her wig and put it back over her brown hair before the girl can recognize her.
,,Don't you dare to touch her again!" He yells and that's when I look into her eyes. She looks beautiful, not my type tho, but still beautiful.
,,Connor take it easy." I say and let him lose his grip. ,,I'm sorry for him, but this is his little sister Hannah." I point to Miley. ,,He's just protecting her as every big brother or sister does."
,,It's okay," she says while catching her breath for a second. ,,he is really strong tho." Now she sticks her hand to me. ,,I'm Stacie by the way." I shake her hand.
,,Beca and these two are Hannah and Connor." I point to both of them.
,,Look, I'm sorry for the neck clamp, but she's my little sister and I will protect her from anything."
,,I understand Connor, I have a brother too and he will die for me."
,,Are you a sophomore?" Miley asks her.
,,No, I just came here with my friend Emily, but I lost her."
,,That's possible at this large schoolyard." I smile at the girl. She's very nice. ,,We are looking for the Baker Hall, do you know where that is?"
,,In fact, I do. I also share a room with Emily there. I can walk with you if you want?"
,,Thank you, Stacie." I say and she walks ahead. I look at Connor. ,,Nice move moron!" I punch him against his arm.
,,What? She wants to help us right?"
,,Yeah but not because of your kindness. Dude, you just scared the hell out of her."
,,Beca we are hired to protect Miley against anyone, I was just doing my job."
,,Are you guys coming?" Stacie waits at the end of the path.
,,This talk isn't over yet!" I say which after I run towards Stacie while pulling Miley along.

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