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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next morning I look into the documents Mike sent me. I wish there would be a picture of the mole, but he doesn't know who it is. The only picture there is one of all the Bellas. I have to print this picture so I can strip them away one by one. Eleven girls, one year to find out, enough time right? My thoughts are interrupted by my phone who's getting a message. I look at it and see it's from Chloe.

Chloe😍: Hi 👋. Did you sleep well?

Beca🙈: I didn't sleep that much 😑

Chloe😍: Why not? 😲

Beca🙈: Bad dream, but why are you texting me?

Chloe😍: Well, because Aubrey told me to...

Beca🙈: 😒

Chloe😍: Don't make that face! It's really important that you know this!

Beca🙈: Know what? 🤔

Chloe😍: To be in the rehearsal space in about one hour.

Beca🙈: Oh right, I'm part of a singing group now 🙄

Chloe😍: And I'm very happy you joined us! 🤗

Beca🙈: Shouldn't you text other members of the group too?

Chloe😍: No, Aubrey is texting them in the group chat right now.

Beca🙈: I'm not in that chat group...

Chloe😍: No, but you will. I just wanted to text you.

Beca🙈: 😏😏

Chloe😍: 😳. Do you mind?

Beca🙈: No not at all. It's cute.

Chloe😍: You think I'm cute? 😄

Beca🙈: Yes and you're a weirdo too!

Chloe😍: Hey! 😟

Beca🙈: Don't blame me! You were the one that forced me to sing with you in the shower!

Chloe😍: Don't worry, I liked the view 😉

Beca🙈: Hey, I'm not complaining about that part 😏. Trust me, I've got it memorized.

Chloe😍: 😊😊. I'm honored.

Beca🙈: Weirdo!

Chloe😍: Well, at least I'm your weirdo.

Beca🙈: True story, now go and enjoy the rest of your morning. I'll see you in an hour!

Chloe😍: Yay, see you there! 😚💖

That's the last thing we're saying to each other. I look back to the files when Connor comes in.

,,Are you ready to find that mole?"

,,I don't know where to start actually. I've got a email from Mike with every Bella on it, but we need to print this."

,,That's not that difficult. In the rehearsal space of the Bellas, there's a print device. Just go there and print that picture!"

,,It's weird to know I'm actually in that group."

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