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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,I know I've been hard on you, Beca. On everybody, but I'm my father's daughter. And he always said, 'if at first, you don't succeed, pack your bags'. I got scared. There's so many of you and Chloe is -" Yes do continue Aubrey. I would love to hear what stupid things you say about her now.
,,Look, we don't really know much about each other."
,,Well I'll share something about myself that none of you know." We all perk up and look at Stacie, interested. ,,I have a lot of sex."
,,We know, Stacie." Amy says and I smile.
,,Only because I just told you."
,,This is a good idea. That was a terrible example but a good idea. Let's go around the room. Everyone says something about yourself that no one knows." I set chairs in a circle and the girls sit down.
,,Okay, I have something." Cynthia-Rose stands. ,,This is hard for me to admit to you guys. For the last two years, I have had a serious gambling problem." Okay, shocking!
,,What?!" Chloe says and looks shocked too.
,,It all started when I broke up with my girlfriend." Wow, I can gamble too and really good, but I'm not having a problem. Lily says something and I hear what she's saying, but pretend I didn't hear her. Aubrey stands up, closes her eyes and blurts out.
,,I've been in a relationship with Stacie for one year now." Both Aubrey and Stacie are smiling like idiots right now. 
,,Amy?" I ask her to continue this gathering.
,,I'm an open book. For God's sake, you all call me Fat Amy. If I'm not being honest, I'm not living. My real name is Fat Patricia."
,,Okay, I'll go." I say and see Emily and Amy startle. Do they really think I will tell them about the company or my sister? No, this is something more innocent. They won't accept me if they know I'm a cold-hearted killer. ,,I have never been one of those girls who had a lot of friends that we're girls. And I do now and that's pretty cool." I smile towards Amy and Chloe. ,,So that's me. Somebody else please go." Chloe stands up now and sighs deeply while fighting the tears. Wait, what's wrong?!
,,My turn. Over spring break, I made the courageous decision to remove my nodes. The doctors tell me I can't sing above a G sharp, maybe ever. I thought this season was over." Aubrey comforts Chloe by putting her hand on her arm. I wish I could hold you right now Chlo. I love you. Now Aubrey looks at me and stands up.
,,Beca." I stand up too and look at her. ,,What do we do?" She throws the pitch pipe to me, but so bad it falls into the puke.
,,Okay, I got an idea." They look at me happily. ,,But not in here." I say and everybody follows me outside. ,,Okay, let's remix this shit. Aubrey, can you pick a song for us?"
,,Of course. I pick for the song of Bruno Mars, 'just the way you are'."
,,Bruno Mars. Okay. Tricky, but I can do it. Chloe are you okay by taking the lead?"
,, Yeah." I conduct the group, having them using their mouths to sing the instruments. I nod to Chloe to start the lyrics and she starts. I can't help but look at her all the time she's singing. I start singing Nelly's, 'just a dream', and Aubrey sings with me. It mashes up, perfectly and we sound better than ever. At the moment, we improvise downbeats, counterbeats, feet stomping, and everything to make this perfect. I hear all their voices but the voice I really want to hear is Chloe's. The song ends and I look at Chloe while I smile.

,,Hands in." Says Aubrey and holds out her hand. Our ten hands meet in the middle, with Chloe's hand on top of mine. When we sing 'ah', Chloe's 'ah' is not that high as the rest of us.
,,What was that?!" Amy ask her.
,,I don't know. I've never made a sound like that before."
,,With your messed up vocal cords, you can hit the lower register!"
,,Do you know what that means?"
,,I think I have something that can help us." Lily says to us and everyone startles.
,,Geez bitch, you don't need to shout!" Amy says and we all start laughing while walking back inside.
,,That was amazing!" Chloe grabs my hands.
,,Thank you."
,,Are you free tonight?"
,,Yes," Now she looks down sadly. ,,because I'm going to spend tonight with you." She looks up.
,,Didn't you wanted to ask me to hang out?"
,,Yes, I've missed you so much. Did everything worked out at work?"
,,Not really, but that's not your business. I want to watch a movie with you and maybe a sleepover at your dorm?" Oh my god, what did I just say?!
,,I would love to have a sleepover. Maybe we could ask the other girl to come as well?"
,,Well, I was hoping to have some time alone with you." I can see her blush slightly. I really love this girl.
,,Aubrey, is it okay that Beca and I go away now?" Chloe looks at Aubrey.
,,Yeah, but be here on time tomorrow. We'll go to the finals together from here. Okay?"
,,Yes sir!" Cynthia-Rose says to Aubrey and salute. We all begin to laugh and Chloe and I walk to her dorm room. Brandon was right. I quit too quickly. All I want is to spend time with the girl I love. Yes, I dare to admit it. Chloe Beale is the person I've waited for, for years. I'm not sure how to complete my mission but I won't hurt Chloe in the progress. I will protect her from everything and I will be free from Mike!

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