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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


Today I'm awake before the alarm clock rings. I can't believe Miley really wants to do audition for the Bellas. I'm going with her of course, but it's scary. What if Chloe finds out about the truth? Or worse, Aubrey. I don't know her personally, but she's a tough one. I turn towards the picture of me and Sara.

,,What do I have to do Sara? I trust Miley, but it's difficult." It's crazy that I'm talking to a photograph because Sara can't talk back. ,,I don't know what I have to do. Miley wants to sing so badly and I know she has a good voice but we have to be careful."

,,Who are you talking to?" I startle from Miley's voice. I look towards my alarm clock and see it's 5 PM.

,,Why are you awake yet?" I ask her and she sighs.

,,Well, I'm excited about today. It's not every day that I can sing and I'm a little nervous about what Chloe will think about it."

,,I don't think it's Chloe you should be worried about."

,,What do you mean?"

,,Aubrey is the captain, she has to accept you, but don't worry I'll make sure she will do that."

,,Don't hurt her, Beca."

,,I'm not going to hurt anyone. You can do it and you will be a Bella at the end of the day."

,,You're certain about that."

,,Of course, you're an amazing singer. You write your own lyrics and can play the guitar, a true musician if you ask me." I see her blush a little and smile.

,,Thank you Beca, that means a lot." She says and walks over to my bed. ,,But you shouldn't bring yourself down because you're an amazing singer too."

,,I'm working on it. The only reason I'm singing or mix is because of Sara. She loved to sing with me." I look to the picture again and feel a lump in my throat.

,,She would've been proud of the person you are right now."

,,I can't get emotional," I say and stand up. ,,we need to prepare you for your audition."

,,To the showers?" I nod and put my arm around her shoulder.

,,I'm sorry but we don't have a choice. When this whole thing is behind us, we go out and celebrate okay? I can be your friend during this college, but I need to be your bodyguard and keep you safe."

,,I understand, just try to live a little." Miley says and grabs her toiletries and a towel. ,,Let's go." I smile at her, grab my own toilet and follow her outside our room.

,,Ready guys?" Connor stands in front of us.

,,Did somebody followed you?" I ask him first.

,,No, I'm all alone and by the way, it's no big deal if Amy or Emily followed me because they already know who we are."

,,That doesn't matter. Everyone needs to remember that I can kill someone in a second."

,,Yeah we already know you can do that, but I'm skilled too." Now I just laugh at his comment.

,,Do I have to remind you what happened when we were working on operation Armstrong?"

,,That was four years ago."

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