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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,Okay, this is the plan," I tell Connor when we're arriving at the place where our target is hiding. ,,Sara and I will go in through the back while you distract him at the front."

,,We aren't going to kill him right?" I look towards Jillian, our newest recruit.

,,Mike will kill us if we don't eliminate him." I can see that she's scared to kill someone and I recognize that because I had that too when I first started a year ago. ,,Trust me, it will get better. You get used to it." I say and see Sara nod.

,,Why do you in this group again?" She asks me.

,,Well, I have no one else but Sara at this point. My mom died of cancer and my dad doesn't care about me. Sara helped me to get this job and we live together. I don't know what to do if I don't have her in my life anymore. This job is surviving because if you doubt, you can get killed."

,,I don't know if I can kill someone."

,,If you really don't want to pull the trigger, I will but don't let Mike know you got cold feet or you should be worried about your family. Mike is a cold-hearted killer if he needs to be." I say and look back at my team. My sister Sara, who is the smartest with me, Connor who controls all weapons, Wesley who always knows how to find a way out and Ava who is our sniper. Jillian is our newest recruit, who's almost eighteen. I'm still the youngest of the group, but I don't care.

,,I'm ready." Tells Ava and holds her gun.

,,Great, you need to hide somewhere and shoot him if he comes out of the house. Don't let him see you!" Ava nods and runs away. ,,Okay, Connor you take Jillian and don't get caught."

,,I won't, come on Jill." We all agreed to shorten Jillian to Jill because that is easier to call whenever we need to run off. Jillian and Connor run away.

,,Wesley, I need you to stay back and tells me if something changes."

,,And what are you two going to do?"

,,Sara and I will go in from the back, this way he is surrounded and can't run away. You got it?"

,,Yes!" Wesley crawls over to the hedge and hides there while looking inside the house with his binoculars. I grab my walkie talkie.

,,Is everyone in position?" From everyone I hear 'yes' and look over to Sara. ,,Are you ready?" She holds up her gun and nods. ,,Let's go." We walk to the backyard and sneak to the back door. I open the door very gently, after which we walk in slowly with our guns in front of us. I hear the TV and walk in the living room, but there's no one.

,,Beca, I saw movements upstairs." I hear Wesley tell me.

,,Okay guys, this is it! We have surrounded the house, he has nowhere to go. Come inside and help me eliminate him." I say and everyone agrees. Not long after that Connor, Jillian, and Wesley are standing inside. ,,Wesley can you go upstairs with Jillian and eliminate him?" They nod and run upstairs, after which they open a door. Immediately gunshots are heard and I see Jillian falling down the stairs with a gunshot through her head. Fuck!

,,Beca, get out of this house!" We hear Wesley tell us and I see Connor raise his eyebrows.

,,What are you talking about? Is everything okay?" I want to walk up the stairs, but Wesley stops me when he hears that.

,,Don't come up here, it's a trap." He tells me and I know what he means. I turn around towards Connor and Sara.

,,Get out of here."

,,Not without you." Sara tells me, but I won't accept that answer.

,,Sara, get out! I will follow after you, but get out now!" She knows I'm serious and nods, after which she pulls Connor with her out of the house. I run up the stairs and see Wesley, standing on a time bomb. There's nobody else in the room, so he must've gotten away. I hope Ava killed him!

,,Beca, what are you doing here? I told you not to come up here."

,,Wesley, I -"

,,No! Beca please, you have to leave now. There's no reason for both of us to die."

,,I didn't come here to die, I did come here to rescue you from this bomb."

,,Beca, I already have peace with this. And that doesn't include Sara losing her only sister."

,,Come on, what am I suppose to do? Walking out of this door while you're standing over there all by yourself?"

,,Yes! That's exactly what I'm telling you to do. If I leave this spot, the bomb goes off with you and me both in this room. We already lost Jillian, I can't live knowing you died too. Please let me do this for the team."

,,Wesley, I -"

,,Go!" Wesley yells at me and with tears in my eyes, I nod while running away from that room. I run outside and fall into the arms of Sara.

,,Goodbye team, thank you for this awesome chance." I hear Wesley say through the walkie talkie and then an enormous explosion is heard. I start crying because it's my fault that Wesley and Jillian are dead. I'm a bad team player, the only thing I wanted was to get Sara out of there. I didn't care about anybody else. I turn around and see the house burning and Ava lying next to it with glass in her stomach.

,,No!" I yell and run to her. She's bleeding a lot and when I want to help her, she stops me.

,,Beca, it's too late for me. Just get out of here." With tears streaming down my face, I leave with Sara and Connor at my side. This was supposed to be a good mission without any deaths, but I ruined it. Mike is going to be furious and punish me. The Punisher isn't someone to take lightly, so I probably will end up with some serious injuries and be out of the routine for a few weeks.

,,Beca, wake up! Beca!" I startle and get up immediately after Miley wakes me up from my nightmare. My whole body is covered with sweat and I look at her.

,,I'm up." I look at her. ,,Why aren't you ready?"

,,Because I want to know what you discussed with Mike."

,,Oh yeah, I will tell you." Miley nods. ,,What time is it?"

,,Still early, just like always. Now please, tell me."

,,We talked about the mole and the bellas. Mike told me that I need to be a part of the Bellas, that's the only way to find the mole."

,,So you're going to do an audition today?"

,,I have to and Mike wants me to become close friends with Chloe."

,,That isn't difficult for you, you already like her right?"

,,I don't know her that well, but she seems nice."

,,Great, so we're going to be teammates."

,,Something like that."

,,What else do you have to do?"

,,Not important. The main case is finding that mole and save you." Miley smiles and gets up from my bed, to grab her towel.

,,Let's go to the showers before Chloe or anyone comes in. Not that you mind." She gives me a wink and thinking back to the moment, brings a blush to my cheeks. Despite the fact that I am here on a mission, a naked body of a gorgeous girl is a nice bonus. I should enjoy that moment forever. I grab my own towel and walk Miley to the showers. The main case, become friends with Chloe Beale and find that mole, nothing more!

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