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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,So, what happened between you and your parents?" Miley asks me the moment we're getting ready for classes. Damn, I know I said that I would tell her everything, but I don't want to talk about that asshole.

,,I don't want to talk about it."

,,Beca, you promised. You know everything about my family."

,,That's because your father is famous."

,,I know, but please I want to know more about what he did and how your mother died."

,,Ugh, fine. But it isn't a good story."

,,That's okay." I sigh and sit down back on my bed, with Miley next to me. ,,It all started when I was seven years old..." I start telling her everything that happened, with the images running through my mind.

I came home from school that day and wanted to see my mom really badly because I got bullied a lot at my old school. She could really keep me positive, but that day she wasn't at home. I looked for her everywhere in the house, but couldn't find her so I went to my father's office. Nobody was allowed in there, but at that moment I didn't care.

,,Daddy?" I asked while taking a step into his office carefully. ,,Where's mommy?"

,,Don't you dare to come in closer!" He yelled and I just stood still. ,,Your mother is in the hospital."


,,Why do you always ask these kinds of questions? It's really annoying."

,,But daddy, I just want -" He came up to me and hit me in the face. I felt to the ground and Sara was running up to me to comfort me. I looked up to the man who I thought was my example, but instead, I saw a man I didn't know anymore. He smelled like alcohol and that's the reason he was losing himself. Sara got me up my feet again and took me to her room.

,,Beca, you shouldn't have come into his office. You know he doesn't like that." She told me.

,,I know, but I just wanted to know where mommy is."

,,She collapsed onto the floor. She was unconscious immediately, I don't know much, but I called 911 and they took her with them."

,,Can we go to the hospital?"

,,Dad wouldn't let us, you know that."

,,But I have to see her." And that's when I started to cry my eyes out. Sara comforted me and I told her everything that happened at school. The next day she came to school with me and teach-ed those bullies a lesson. She took me to the hospital after school and that's when the doctors told me that my mother had cancer. Sara held me and took care of me, while my father just drew himself with alcohol. The five years after that where a hell for Sara and me. My father cheated on my mother a few times and even got some other woman pregnant. He drank a lot of alcohol and used all the money for liquor and drugs, which caused him to be even more aggressive than he already was. Once a time he almost killed Sara. When I just turned thirteen years old, my mother lost her battle against cancer and died at the age of forty-five. In that same year, my sister who was just seventeen years old were recruited at the company and got an apartment. We shared that apartment and she took care of me like I was her own child. She fought my father for full custody and won that. After that, we both changed our last name from my father's last name 'Henderson' to my mother's last name 'Mitchell'. When I turned fifteen, Sara got me into the company.

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