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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


Today we are on our way to the place where the Regionals are. I sit alone because Miley couldn't compete with us. This performance will be on live television and if somebody recognizes her, well that would be a travesty. Amy looks back at us.
,,Girls, I'm sorry but we have to make a quick stop." She tells us and I see that Aubrey startles.
,,Why do you need to stop?"
,,Well, if we want to come there in one drive, I have to fill up the van."
,,Okay, but make it quick. We can't be late!" Amy nods and pulls over at a gas station.
,,Don't you flat butts worry. I got this. My thighs are like Gore-Tex." She says and gets out to get to the pump.
,,Do you think we got a chance at winning?" Jessica asks Chloe.
,,Oh totes. We are a lot better than last year, we are going to blow minds." I let out a stiff laugh.
,,Hey, isn't that?" I hear Ashley ask while she watched out of the window. I follow her gaze and see the van of the Treblemakers. Bumper sticks his head out of the window and holds something. It looks like a sandwich, wrapped inside a paper. He yells something that we can't hear and then throws it at Amy. I stand up immediately and look outside of the van.
,,Amy?" I can't see her until I hear her scream.
,,I've been shot! I think I've been shot!" Dramaqueen. If she has been in danger, I would have acted quickly. She's been shot but not with a bullet. Cynthia-Rose and the other Bellas jump out of the van to tend to Amy. I run up to Cynthia-Rose and Amy to find Cynthia-Rose trying to give Amy mouth to mouth. ,,I'm sitting up! I'm talking! You don't need to do that!" She turns to me and ignores her for a minute. ,,Bumper threw a big ass burrito at me! Ugh! I will kill him! I'll pick my teeth with his bones!"
,,Get up. We have to clean your shirt and we don't have much time." I tell her. Emily puts the gas pump back.
,,Tell no one what you've seen today." Now she takes a bite of the burrito. ,,Damn. These are delicious." I laugh and bring her inside the van again, where she sits down on the driver's seat again. She starts the engine again and drives off onto the highway. I look around for a second. Aubrey plays with the pitch pipe nervously, Chloe has some earplugs in and the others are really quiet. I look back to Amy and notice a little guacamole stuck in Amy's ear. I lean forward and wipe it off.
,,You got yourself a little something in there." I say.
,,Back off. It fuels my hate fire." I laugh, go to put my headphones on, but stop short to enjoy the ride. Suddenly Chloe starts to sing 'Starships' from Nicki Minaj.
,,Let's go to the beach -each, let's go get away. They say what they're gonna say. Have a drink, clink found the bud light. Bad bitches like me are hard to come by." Instinctively Cynthia-Rose joins her and now they continue together.
,,The patron own, let's go get it on. The zone own, yes I'm in the zone." Now Stacie, Jessica, and Ashley join in too. ,,Is it two, three? Leave a good tip. Imma blow off my money and don't give two shits." Now every Bella starts to sing, well except for me. ,,I'm on the floor - floor. I love to dance, so give me more - more, 'til I can't stand. Get on the floor - floor, like it's your last chance. If you want more, more then here I am." The girls sing to me now and nudge me to join. They can't be serious right? They all want me to sing? I look all of them in the eyes with a smile. I can't sing this! I want to turn down, but when I look Chloe in her eyes, I start to sing with them.
,,Starships were meant to fly, hands up and touch the sky. Can't stop 'cause we're so high, let's do this one more time. Starships were meant to fly, hands up and touch the sky. Let's do this one more time, hands up we're higher than a motherfucker!" And after that sentence, we all start to dance in our seats. I enjoy my own time, but secretly I watch Chloe. My heart warms itself when I see her having major fun.
Suddenly the van starts to putter.
,,What the hell?" Wow, I didn't know Aubrey could curse. Amy looks down for a second.
,,Whoa. We're almost out of gas."
,,That can't be right. You just filled the tank."
,,Then the fuel indication meter must be broken." She cacks nervously. ,,It's suggesting I didn't fill up the tank because of Mexican food!" The van comes to a stop. ,,And we're out."
,,You can't be serious!"
,,Oh whoops! What are we gonna do?"
,,You guys. We could call -" Starts Chloe, but Aubrey won't even let her finish.
,,Don't even say it. Chloe, how dare you?!"
,,No, Chloe has a point. I have Bumper's number."
,,Why do you have Bumper's number?" Everyone looks at Amy and I just smirk. She has feelings for him! But the difference between her feelings and mine is that she can act on them. Amy calls Bumper and not long after that we're all sitting in the van of the Treblemakers. Everyone is silent. The Trebles sit on one side of the bus and we're on the other. Lily sits behind Donald, who drives the van.
,,Thanks for stopping, Donald." Says Chloe.
,,All good, boo." Stop calling her that! ,,I'm the driver." Jesse motion to me to come to sit next to him by patting his seat. I shake my head and motion to the girls.
,,So Bellas, glad we could chauffeur you to your latest Treble-whipping. What boring, estrogen-filled set have you prepared for us today?" Bumper asks us.
,,Hey. You're nothing but Manwich in a jacket. And I'm always hungry. So shut your mouth." Aubrey doesn't like the flirting. We try to warm up a little, but I don't sing along.
,,Are you okay?" Chloe asks me and sits down next to me. 
,,I don't know. I've got a lot on my mind right now."
,,Care to share those thoughts?" 
,,No, I can't bring you into danger." I put on my headphone, so I can't hear her ask more questions. 

The van screech into the parking lot ten minutes later, skidding to a halt. We open the doors and run inside. We are very late and stand in the back. On stage, there's this group called 'sockapellas' who are performing Lilly Allen with sock puppets.

We follow Aubrey to the back and watch the performance there.
,,A cappella out of a sock puppet. Genius." Says Amy. Stacie point to one of the puppets.
,,Look at the white one with the black sock."
,,I know what you mean." Says Cynthia-Rose. ,,It's making a statement."
,,They're complete idiots. There's no craft there. Watching them will make it worse."
,,At least they're different." I say and her getting mad. We put our hands in and do an 'aah' on three.
,,Let's give it up for the Barden bellas!" We run on stage. I look up to Gale and John we seemed startled. Aubrey blows the pitch pipe and counts off. We begin with 'the sign' with Chloe stepping forward.
,,Ramboon na boo yeah! I, I gotta new life, you would hardly recognize me. I'm so glad, how can a person like me care for you. Why do I bother, when you're not the one for me." Is it me or is Chloe looking to Tom when she sings that sentence? Chloe hands over the microphone to Aubrey and she continues the song.
,,Is enough enough. I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes. And I'm happy now living without you. I've left you all alone. I saw the sign and it opened up my eyes. I saw the sign!" The music changes into 'eternal flame' and Chloe gets the microphone again. I'm so glad that it's a slow song because now I can hear her beautiful voice clearly.
,,Close your eyes, give me your hand darling." Wow! Her voice enchants me! I wish I could give her my hand, my heart and me, but I can't. ,,Do you feel my heart beating?" No, but I do feel mine and it's beating at an abnormal speed. ,,Do you understand? Do you feel the same? Or am I only dreaming? Is this burning, an eternal flame?" Now the music for 'turning around' starts and Amy takes over.
,,Turn the beat around. Love to hear the percussion! Turn it upside down, love to hear percussion." Amy sings strongly while the rest of us back her up. I can't believe I'm doing this right now. This is so lame! The performance seems like it's peaked until Amy suddenly lets loose. Yeah, go Amy! You go, girl! She dances her ass off and plays with the crowd. Aubrey can learn something from her! The song ends and everyone loves it.

We run off stage and after us are the Treblemakers. They're really good!

When their performance ends, we get the results and as everyone thought, the Trebles take the trophy with them. We end in place three and Aubrey is not happy about that. What did she think? We can never be champions with those songs! We need to change it!
,,We failed!" Yells Aubrey and is furious and let us follow her back to the entrance. The Treblemakers are there too, but not alone. They're fighting with the guys from the tone hangers. I walk down quickly and leave Aubrey and Chloe there.
,,Hey you, hit me!" Some tone hanger says to Jesse but he refuses.
,,I'm not going to hit you."
,,C'mon, hit me! I want to feel something." What a creep. He wants to get hit, fine by me!
,,Hey!" I yell and when he looks up, I hit him. Amy follow my lead and want to hit him with the trophy, but I have to stop her. So I grab a part of the trophy. ,,No, stop! Let go, he's not worth it!" We push and pull on the trophy. Finally, Amy let go, but by doing so, I can't help but jerk the trophy back. A piece of it flies off, smashing the lobby window. Everyone looks on, stunned and I see Chloe look at me in shock. I told you would hate me if you found out who I am, Chloe. I'm not even surprised you're reacting this way. A police officer looks up from outside and looks me right in the eye. Oh crap! Everyone else runs away but I let myself get caught. I should be in prison, because of what I've done. The police officer takes me with him and put me into jail, like I thought would happen. It's better this way. If I'm inside this jail, I can't bring Chloe into danger and I know Connor will watch Miley for me. I sign and lay down on the bed. At least Chloe is safe!

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