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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


After my talk to Connor and Miley last night about Patrick and his threat, Miley promised to stay close to me and to do what I tell her if danger is coming. I promised Miley to train her, but when the time is right. I look over to the assignment we had to do, that anonymous note. I still don't know what to write, but maybe I just need to write something romantic. It's an assignment, so it doesn't hurt, right? Well, maybe if I throw it inside a locker of a guy, cause I am not attracted to guys. What if I throw it inside a locker of a girl, who's not my type at all. At the end of the assignment, we have to let the one know who wrote the notes. Hmm, maybe I throw it inside Chloe's locker... that isn't so bad, I mean she's fucking gorgeous! Maybe we can go onto dates or something like that? What are you talking about?! Chloe has a relationship with that moron. I can kill him if I want to, I've killed before, so it's nothing new. 

I used to train with Sara and she was the one who recruited me in her team. She trained me to be though and to be strong, but I still couldn't save her. She always told me that I was stronger than her and maybe that was the truth, but she never left me alone. She always fought by my side until the bitter end. 

That night she got killed, like so many of my team died that night, she didn't have to come. She had a day off from work, but I asked her to join my team because I needed her. She came and got killed. How am I going to believe that it wasn't my fault? If I didn't have asked her to come, she wouldn't be dead right? 

My thoughts are roughly interrupted by my ringtone. Miley is with Connor right now, so I could write that note, but when I see the number, I immediately answer. It's Devon. Maybe he got something on the Patrick case?!

Devon, did you found something?

Yes and I really think you are very interested in this.

Talk to me.

Well, I didn't found Patrick himself, but I found some guy who's working for him. I have no idea how big his company is, but maybe you can find out by talking to that guy.

Where is he?

Not far from Barden to be exact. Do you know that abandon gym, Carl Maddox Fieldhouse?

Are they there?

I don't know about Patrick, but that guy I am mentioning is there. I thought you wanted to know.

Thank you so much, Devon. Let's meet up some time again, then you can meet Connor and Miley. 

Sure. Go get him, but try not to kill him okay?

I can't promise anything.

I only say before hanging up and walking out of my dorm room with an enormous speed.

When I'm inside of Carl Maddox Fieldhouse, with a hidden knife and a gun, it's dangerously quiet. I walk into the hallways slowly. I can't lose my focus, this could be a lead and I need to know what Patrick is planning because I have to protect Miley and I can't fail. 

,,Look who came." I turn around and see a guy standing with a devilish smirk on his face. ,,Patrick told me that you couldn't resist coming and check the tip."

,,Who are you and what do you have to do for Patrick?"

,,Well aren't you curious?" He only says and laughs. ,,I only came here to keep an eye on you."


,,Yeah, you aren't doing a really good job protecting the president's daughter huh? I don't think flirting with girls is part of the plan." I need to focus on my temper and be sure not to be let by my anger. ,,Patrick told me a few interesting things about you."

,,Like what?"

,,Let's start with your job. You train a lot but still managed to fail to protect somebody. You fight a lot and sure you're trying, but people get killed by your hand."

,,That's the fate of somebody who tries to cross me. I've killed many people, but only to protect somebody that I cared about."

,,Oh that's right, what was her name again?" He pretends to think and looks at me smirking. ,,Sara." The moment he says her name, I storm towards him and push him against the wall, with my arm against his throat. 

,,How do you know her name?"

,,Patrick knows everything, just like those two girls who you're hanging out with these days. Amy and Chloe - really pretty names and good looking too." 

,,Don't you dare to touch one of them!" I say and push harder against his throat.  

,,Why protecting - protecting - them?" He managed to say, almost suffocating. ,,You just - just met them." 

,,That's none of your business!" I let him go and he stumbles backward, while he inhales deeply. ,,Now you're going to tell me what you are doing here and with how many you are!" 

,,I won't tell you anything. If you want information, you have to fight me." 

,,Fine by me!" I say and punch him. He tries to punch me against my head, but I block his arm after which I punch him right in the face. He groans and stumbles backward. I hit him again and kick him everywhere I can, my mind blank - only images of Sara's dead that plays in my mind over and over again, what makes my anger grow. Every punch I give him becomes harder and for a moment I lose myself. I keep hitting and kicking him until I hold him with a neck clamp. I can see that he bleeds everywhere I hit him, but I don't really care. Nobody says anything about Sara and gets away with it! In front of my eyes, it's black and the only thought that's in my mind right now is "Kill him. Take your revenge for Sara!"  And I probably will kill him, but I need that information first. ,,Tell me everything, or I'll break your neck." 

,,Okay fine. Patrick hired twenty guys to find and kill Miley."

,,Does he know about our whereabouts?" 

,,No, only I know where you guys are hiding."

,,Well, you are going to call Patrick and tell him that you couldn't find us here, but that we fled to the Philippines." 

,,Why would I do that?"

,,Because if you don't do that, I'll kill you for real." I grab his head with both of my hands. If you want to break a neck you have to hold ahead this way and he knows that too.

,,Fine, I'll call him." I lose my grip on him, but don't let him go entirely. The guy grabs his phone and calls Patrick. 

,,Use your speaker." I demand and he does what I say. 

George, did you find them?

They were here in Atlanta, but they fled to the Philippines.

Goddamnit! Well, I'll expect you to be here tonight. We're going to the Philippines, I have to kill them!

I'll try sir, but I'm not sure if I can be there.

Well, we are going with or without you. I don't care if you'll come or not!

Patrick ends the call and George, the guy I'm holding with a neck clamp again, let out a sigh of relief.

,,Why are you starting to sigh?" 

,,Well, now you don't have to kill me." 

,,You're wrong. I'm afraid I still have to kill you."

,,But why? I told you everything I know!"

,,Yeah, but you know where we are and you just threatened to hurt Chloe or Amy!" I say and don't let him answer, because I snap his neck after which I let him go. He falls to the ground and I smile. I really love to kill and it's bad, but I can't help it. Luckily he was the only one who knew about our whereabouts, but my guard isn't down just yet. Patrick will find out George lied and return to America to find us. I need to report this to Connor and Miley and Connor and I need a plan to protect Chloe and Amy because our enemy noticed them and they can be in great danger! 

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