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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


,,You're up early." I hear Miley say, who's better again.

,,Yeah, I have an appointment with Mike."

,,Who's Mike?"

,,My boss at the Phantomeyes. He knows about my job for your father and he says he has some information for me."

,,How can you know he speaks the truth?"

,,Well, I don't know for sure but I have to go. The sooner this protecting thing is over, the sooner we can get out of here."

,,I don't know if I want to leave." I look at Miley with a raised eyebrow.

,,Why not? This isn't your life."

,,If I'm being honest, I love the life I'm living now and I was hoping to stay here for as long as I can."

,,You know we can't. Once we figure out who this mole is, we're going."

,,But you have nothing yet. You have to be a part of the bellas to find the mole right?"

,,Yes, that's why I'm going and you're going to the classes."

,,And what do I have to say when the teachers ask for you?"

,,I don't know, just make up an excuse."

,,Fine, but you have to tell me everything you and Mike discussed."

,,I will tell you, but then you have to promise me to stay close to Connor. I know he isn't as good as me, but he's the only one who can protect you when I'm not around." Miley nods and I grab my gun, which I hide very carefully in the back of my pants like I always do and walk out of the door. 

When I'm in the schoolyard, someone dares to grab my shoulder. I turn around and throw the person with one movement over my shoulder on the stone ground.

,,What the hell, I just wanted to ask you if you have seen Chloe." I know him. That motherfucker, he dares to come here and talk to Chloe. Just pretend you don't know him, Beca. You don't want to make a scene!

,,And who are you?" Oh, I know exactly who you are, but I need to know why you're here!

,,I'm John, just an old friend of Chloe's. I've been to her house and her mother told me she should be here, but I didn't know you were her personal bodyguard."

,,I'm nothing to Chloe. I think she can handle herself but if she needs me I'm going to be there for her. Is that a problem for you?" Stay calm Beca, stay calm!

,,That's cute, but I still don't know where she is." You won't find out either!

,,Not my problem. I have an important meeting right now, so if you want to keep your shoulder in the bowl, don't touch me ever again. Understood?" Fucking idiot!

,,Okay jeez, bitch."John tells me and stands up, but I don't appreciate the way he talks towards me, so I grab his short hair and pull him with me, just the moment the most students are arriving. I see Chloe walking side by side with Aubrey and Stacie, but quickly move my gaze back to John.

,,Look, I know who you are and I want to warn you that you don't want to make me your enemy," I tell him while pushing him down onto the ground with his face on the asphalt and my knee against his cheek. ,,If you heard stories about me, believe them because they're true. I can make people disappear without anybody really missing them. Now tell me, what are your plans with Chloe?"

,,I just wanted to see her." I start laughing.

,,Oh dear, you really shouldn't lie to me."

,,I'm not lying to you."

,,So, you're here to just talk to her?"

,,Maybe, what's your problem with that?"

,,Oh, I don't have a problem with that."

,,Then why are you hurting me like this now?"

,,Oh, this? This is because you called me a bitch, you really shouldn't say any of that."

,,Okay, I'm sorry. Can you release me now?"

,,Release you?" I laugh. ,,I wouldn't count on getting away this easy."

,,Why are you doing this to me?"

,,Did you really thought you could fool me? Cut the act, I know you're a spy of Patrick, so back off." And stop pissing me off, because I kill you right here, right now!

,,How did you know?"

,,I know everything. Let me guess, you were a friend of that guy I killed because he knew about Chloe huh?" Because he stays quiet, I know enough. ,,Did Patrick sent you?" He keeps quiet and I pull his arm backward. He screams his lungs out. Aw, it hurts him. How sad... NOT! ,,Answer me! Did he sent you here to get Chloe?"

,,Yes!" He yells and now I release him.

,,Get out of here and never come back! If I ever see your face here again, you are a dead man. Do you understand me?!" He nods and runs away, past Chloe and Aubrey. I check my watch and startle from the time. Shoot, I'm late!  I look towards Chloe and Aubrey and see that they have a lot of questions. I don't have time for that!  I pull out my earplugs and listen to music while running away from campus. 

,,You're late!" Mike screams at me while sitting down behind his desk. I just roll my eyes and sit down across from the desk. ,,Do you know why I wanted to meet you?"

,,Not sure, but I'm here now. Just tell me what's wrong?"

,,Did you meet the bellas at Barden University?"

,,Yes, why?"

,,Because the mole we need to catch is in that group, right?"

,,Get to the point!"

,,Beca, you wasted an opportunity! You met the two captains of that group, they want you in the Barden bellas and you're still refusing. Why are you wasting the only opportunity?!"

,,Mike, it was my first meeting with one of them. I can approach the mole without the need to join the group."

,,How can you be so sure?"

,,Because I'm the best at this or did you forget all the cases I helped you with, all the people I killed for you, all the traitors I made disappear without any clues to find them?!"

,,No, I didn't forget that."

,,Then stop treating me like a moron and let me do my job. I will get her and get rid of her just like you want."

,,I just want the operation to go well."

,,And it goes well. Have I ever failed you?"

,,No, but there's one person you need to approach as much as you can."

,,And who is that?"

,,Chloe Beale." Mike opens a file on his laptop. ,,Her mother is a traitor. She used to work for us, but betrayed us."


,,She stole a lot of money."

,,But if she's a target, shouldn't I investigate about her and not the Barden Bellas?"

,,Don't you get it? Chloe Beale is her daughter. If you be her best friend, you get closer to both of your targets. Our mole and Eloise Beale, Chloe's mother."

,,Fine, I'll do an audition and get close to Chloe Beale. I actually like Chloe."

,,What did I teach you? Never get attached to anyone on a job or did you forget what we did to Caity?" I shake my head. ,,Good girl. Now go, be best friends with Eloise her daughter and find that mole, so we can eliminate her!" I nod and walk back to Barden University. Okay, being close to Chloe shouldn't be that hard, but finding out who the mole is and getting information about Eloise is way more difficult, but I won't give up. I'm going to do it all and get out of this place! 

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