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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


What happened yesterday will never happen again. I thought about it most of the time last night, while Miley was asleep and I need someone that I can trust. I need to tell somebody else than Connor or Miley what's going on, but who? I can't tell Stacie, because she will tell her girlfriend Aubrey and then Aubrey will tell more people. It's always been like that in High school, so I can't tell her. Who should I tell? Who can I trust, besides Connor and Miley? Miley is the most important person right now. I need to protect her, but I can't do it all by myself. Connor is busy with infiltrating inside that Treblemakers group. He told me that I needed to infiltrate into the Barden Bellas, but I won't do that. I don't sing and I never will again. 

,,Good morning." I look up and see that Miley is awake. Good, because we need to take a shower without nobody noticing. Nobody can know who she really is. At least not now.

,,Good morning." I sigh.

,,What's wrong?" She asks me while walking over to my bed.

,,I need to talk to you." 

,,Oh, my god! Does some enemy knows I'm here because I didn't stay with you yesterday?!"

,,No, that's not it." I look her in the eye. ,,It's very difficult to protect you at this university, so Connor and I think that we need more recruits."

,,What are you asking?"

,,Well, will you mind if I tell two people who you are? I really think they can help us."

,,Who are you talking about?"

,,Amy and Emily. I think they can be trusted."

,,But you said that nobody can know who I really am."

,,That's true, but I think if I tell Stacie - well she's the girlfriend of the captain of the Barden Bellas, the biggest singing group on campus. If she knows, everybody will know."

,,If you think it's the best thing to do, I won't hold you back. You're protecting me, not the other way around."

,,You're really cool with this?"

,,Sure, if it helps Connor and you." I get up and give her a hug. Not something I would do every day, but she just saved her own ass. 

,,Thank you Miles, I will bring them here and we tell them together." Miley nods, while I walk to the door. 

,,Beca wait!" She yells before I can open the door. ,,Who's going to stay with me while you're gone?" 

,,Oh right." I grab my phone and text, Connor, to stay with Miley, which he agrees to immediately. ,,Connor is on his way right now. Stay inside and don't answer the door to anyone, okay?" Miley nod and after that, I walk out of the door. Miley closes the door behind me and I really hope she will stay inside until I'm back with Amy and Emily. 

When I arrive at Barden, I can't find both of them, so I keep searching. I need someone to talk to! I think it's for the best if someone can help Connor and me because we aren't only protecting Miley, but also Chloe. I can't take it slow now, because I'm guessing that Patrick already knows we're not in the Philippines. Suddenly I hear some yelling and music coming out of the auditorium. Sound like they having a party. Quiet as a mouse I walk inside the auditorium, just at the moment that Chloe and Stacie are doing a sexy move. Wow, she so pretty and fucking sexy!  Snap out of it! I tell myself, but it's hard when a girl is that pretty as Chloe. I scan the room and see Emily walking through the partying people and see my chance. I walk over to her.

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