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A/N: This story is all thanks to bechloecup who've let me use some sentences of her awesome story, called #theghostau on Instagram. Go find her account on Instagram, follow her and vote on her Bechloe au's. They're the best I've ever read!!


The next morning I'm waking up bathed in sweat after another nightmare of the night Sara got killed. I can never have peace with everything that happened that night. It was my fault and not someone else's. Sara had a day off but came because I asked her to. I was stupid enough to need her and now she's gone!

,,Are you okay?" Miley walks over to me and holds me. ,,You were screaming your lungs out."

,,Just another nightmare."

,,When are you going to tell me what those nightmares are about?"

,,I don't know." I sigh. ,,Look, it isn't that I don't trust you, I do - but this is a very difficult subject for me."

,,I can see that, but not talking about it is killing you. You shouldn't wake up screaming and covered in sweat every morning. Sometimes talking will ease the pain." I get out of her embrace and get up.

,,There's no time to talk about it, I need to protect you."

,,Beca, not everything revolves around work in life. You can't live on your own, sometimes you need others. Connor can help you, but you have to trust him."

,,I trust Connor with my life, but it's too soon to talk about it to you or anyone. When I'm ready I'll tell you okay?" Miley nods and gets up too.

,,To the showers right?" I nod and we both walk towards the public showers, just like we do for the last week.

After we waited for Connor to appear to our dorm, we're walking to the schoolyard, where the vanity fair is holding. I don't want to be here, but I have to because of Miley. Miley disappears to one of the stalls and Connor follows her, which leads me to be alone. I don't mind tho, because now I can think about everything. My mind automatically goes back to my time with Sara. 

I walk inside of our apartment, to be surprised by Sara with a set table. She smiles at me and takes my hands.

,,Becs, you got in!" She says and I just look at her with a confused look. ,,My boss. He told me today that he wanted to recruit you. We are going to be on the same team."

,,Are you kidding me?"

,,No, we are going to be partners for life! Nothing can stop the Mitchell sisters!" I squeal of excitement and pull her into a hug. ,,I made a nice meal to celebrate." Sara walks to the table with my hand in hers.

,,Oh, my god! You didn't!"

,,I did."

,,Are these taco's from Taco Bell?" Sara nods and I immediately start to eat one.

,,I know you love Taco Bell, so yeah I wanted to celebrate the news with you and your favorite food."

,,You also love Taco Bell!" I say while pointing to her and she starts laughing.

,,I do." She takes a seat next to me and takes a bite. ,,I can't wait to work with you, Becs."

,,Everyone has to be careful, because no one can beat the Mitchell sisters!"

,,You know it." Sara gives me a wink. Who would have thought that wasn't true. Someone stopped us, by killing Sara. It was her day off and I asked her to come. I needed my sister, but I lost her that same day! I should never have asked her to come! 

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